The character Helen.

She bothers the hell out of me. She tried to diagnose her child herself, forces her to the doctors constantly, and then a psych doctor and more... Why can't she just listen to her child? Even her husband is trying to explain to her what is happening. She is in denial or too conceited to believe anyone else found the answers before her/the truth. This is the first time I don't like Alex Kingston in a role. I'm on the last episode and hope this woman opens her eyes.


I agree, she irritated me sometimes as well, especially in the penultimate episode.

That said, her actions toward her daughter (and husband) were understandable to an extent, as she genuinely didn't believe in the supernatural stuff and was looking for a rational explanation for what she thought Amy did. She went about things the wrong way, made mistakes (as any mother, particularly when they don't have a real understanding of the situation) but she ultimately meant well.

The only character I didn't care for much was Ruth's mother-in-law. She was so callous, judgmental and cruel to someone to who had just lost her daughter. A very selfish, unforgiving woman too: more focused on how people would view her and how it would affect her life if Robert confessed, instead of allowing Ruth and Paul (who were both suffering and grieving) closure on Alice's death. I don't blame her husband for cheating on her - poor, weak bugger was probably starved for some affection.

Be the change that you want to see in the world.-Ghandi


I'm just happy to see Alex Kingston, although I must admit I prefer her as Riversong :)
