MovieChat Forums > Scary or Die (2012) Discussion > An 8.3 rate? You must be joking hahaha

An 8.3 rate? You must be joking hahaha

I think I ve seen em all in horror. This movie is "ok" to watch if bored... but after all its a very uninspired series of horror stories. For example, "Little Deaths" is a masterpiece compared to this. And the stories (at least the last two) were very original. In "Scary or Die" the stories are very predictable. Whoever doesnt predict the stories, aint that smart or hasnt seen many films like this. (Tales from the Crypt, Three Extremes, Creep Show, Little Deaths, Theatre Bizzarre etc)

If someone is a fan of little horror stories then ok.. give it a go, but afterall u ll be disappointed. wait and see for yourselves...

p.s the 8.3 rate should be banned by the imdb authorities lol


i was thinking the same. This move is extremely overated its nothing special at all of the tails which has the type of stories all been done and seen before. This is not the first time on this site where sub standard or below average movies have been overated.


Do they have the ratings on this movie locked or something? It hasn't changed from 16 votes in like the past 3-4 weeks. I gave it a 5 and it never came up. Theres a lot of people posting here in the message board about it, but the voting hasn't increased even by 1.


I just watched it. It sucked. Lame.

I did kind of like the black guy turning into a clown though, especially the white wig!

a far cry from Creepshow or Trick R Treat, or even S.I.C.K. and Mr, Jingles!


And the results are in... 4.2 for nearly 2.000 votes. About time.


Yeah I dont know what took so long with this movie. 4.2 is much more accurate though.


Well considering you have no respect for other peoples opinions why should we care what you have to say and not just ignore you're ranting?


Well.. u can ignore my opinion. Maybe Scary or Die will become your fave movie ;)

"That is not dead which can eternal lie.. Yet with strange aeons.. even death may die"

