What is with the dubbing?

So I'm watching this movie.. Its pretty cool I like it but what is with the bad dub on Toby Jones' voice ? What the hell ? I think I missed something...

Also I realize they probably dubbed it because he couldnt speak proper italian or whateer but couldn't he at least have like lipped the words and they coulda dubbed over that lol I donno...

Pretty cool movie though especially for something I just randomly choose on netflix lol. Its funny actually I've been watching a lot of the like 1 star movies on there and some of these are great movies! I find it funny that Nicolas Cage movies and Hunger Games get 5 stars... LOL. I've had netflix for past couple years and I've noticed all the highly rated movies are typical Hollywood movies. Borrrrring


I think that was intentional to mimic the movies this was inspired by.
