MovieChat Forums > White T (2013) Discussion > Two heart attacks 'weighting' to happen....

Two heart attacks 'weighting' to happen...

These guys are just plain disgusting. Is watching two morbidly obese men, who get out of breath just by standing up, supposed to be funny? They even made jokes about their weight. What they should star in is PSAs about how not to live and be. These men, if you want to call them that, as I think cattle would be a better description, are a disgrace to human beings. The PSAs should be something like..."If you continue to eat junk food, and too much of it, this is what you will end up like. Is this healthy? Is this attractive? Does this make you want to violently vomit?"

They should be ashamed of themselves and when one of them has a heart attack and dies because of his blubberous existence, perhaps the other one will do something about it.

Yes, I freely admit that I find morbidly obese people disgusting and make my stomach turn to even see them. What really angers me is that when people get so fat that they cannot work, they can actually get social security disability. This is absolutely RIDICULOUS! My tax dollars are paying for fat slobs who can't work because they are fat slobs. How about a different approach. Let's NOT give them disability, and perhaps with not being able to afford food, they will lose some weight. These two guys could probably survive for months and months on their fat reserves.

Anyway, just my two cents, and yes...I already expect people to retort.

If the plural of mouse is mice, and the plural of goose is geese, why is the plural of moose not meese?



And, for the most part, I agree with you.

Not sure why these guys continue to let themselves look like they do. Unless they have a condition of some sort.



Low quality bait
