why the name change in the title?

Starting with the fourth season, Disney renamed the series "CAPTAIN Jake and the Neverland Pirates." (Capitalization mine.) Why the name change? Calling Jake a captain makes him sound too much an adult figure now, equal to Hook, in my opinion. I liked it better when he was just little-boy Jake. Anyone else feel the same about the title change?

[Edited to correct a typo.]


Probably some dumb marketing thing - I liked it as just plain 'Jake' better, myself.


Disney has a thing with not going over 65 episodes for a show. They hit that season 3 episode 7. If they're going to keep the show going they rebrand it.


And I've never understood the Disney policy of limiting the run of a show. Even if it's popular, the corporation usually won't let it run past four years. I always thought the magic number for episodes was 100, for future syndication, but Disney operates under a different mindset.


Me and my nephews stopped watching once it turned into Captain Jake. It just wasn't the same anymore. It's a shame because it was their favorite show
