
I love seasons 1 and 2. Season 3, however, was a bore. Joel was on the show for way too long. What were the writers thinking? I understand wanting to put a wrench in the Zoe/Wade story, but you can't stick the main character into a relationship and just expect the audience to accept it without giving the audience an opportunity to fall in love along with the characters. Joel had absolutely no sex appeal and he and Zoe had no chemistry.


Joel was around way to long and they made him way to perfect and chummy with everyone. I didn't hate Joel but honestly Zoe and him should have been ver by mid season or at least a big crack then that then caused them to break up in the next few. They should have started fixing Z/W way before they did in S3 because it felt like whiplash from Joel and Vivian (which was worse than Joel tome).
