Am I the only one

How boring! Whats up with the places they go? Tonight we watched him water ski. Who wants to watch someone water ski? Who wants to watch someone go down a waterslide? I dont care if its my Aunt Matilda or a celebrity, its dull to watch someone go down a water slide and holler like a 10 year old kid who needs attention. I was embarassed for him.

In all his episodes he tries to be funny while the host is talking to him and the host and people around him just semi-smile back at him. I would bet a lot of people just laugh because their being polite and are nervous.

His stand-up act is sort of funny but this show is dull and his one liners just arent funny,their what you'd expect a kid to say. This show cant possibly make it another season. Its painful.


So change the channel! You DO know what that channel button is for on the remote is along with the same button on the TV itself. He has a lot of information about his subjects and it is fun to see him willing to join in even if it is kind of off-setting. He is a celebrity willing to put himself out there and the people on the shows probably know that and put up with it.


Yes I do know what the channel button is for on the remote control. You must think I'm part of Larry's redneck, hillbilly, NASCAR loving, George Bush smirkin fan base who probably havent seen a tv before; especially since many of them probably just discovered indoor plumbing last week.

The "subjects" as you called it, are dull and that was my point. Who wants to watch him ride down a waterslide? We've all seen waterslides and except for his fan base we are aware of how a waterslide works. Its not like he is taking people on African adventures, its a waterslide. One week we watched HIM water ski. He's not traveling America telling anyone- anything they havent seen a million times before on tv.

This is just a show where a celebrity gets to say "hey look at me, watch me do this, see I'm a regular person". That was my point. It was dull the things he does. The other day I passed the channel and he was judging a bullfrog jumping contest. It was more about him than watching the frogs. I will say the NASA thing that showed how toilets are flushed in space was informative and something you cant find on the other channels but waterslides, bullfrogs, and water skiing?? Seen it many times.

Dont fool yourself, he's not "putting himself out there" like you said. He's not trying to educate poor old us, he's out there because he wants to make a buck.


Amazing that you act as if you speak for everyone. That bullfrog contest was in a story written by Mark Twain and because of that the Calaveras County Jumping Frog Contest is held every year. He wasn't judging it. It is simple good fun that doesn't involve electronics, blasting music, lights, or anything else that people think they need for a good time. There are a lot of people out there, myself included, who have good times at simple activities that don't cost a lot of money. We don't consider ourselves hillbillies or any other denigrating name. Give me a county fair over a theme park any day. As far as the NASA toilet goes, I found out about that years ago and has been on History, Discover and in several movies including "Space Camp." Amazing that you are such an expert on what everyone knows and sees on TV. I know you aren't in my house so how do you know so much about everyone's viewing habits and what they have been exposed to? You are assuming so much about other people. Try sticking to what you know and leave everyone else out of your biased opinionated views. There are many people who enjoy simple entertainment and I am one and I am sure I have a lot of company. I know he is trying to make a buck but so what? Aren't you? Or are you sitting at home without a job and bitter about it so you become opinionated and biased at what your lot in life is at the moment. Get a ife and stop writing as if you know what everyone enjoys for entertainment. There are many highly educated people out there who enjoy the simple things in life. By educated I am talking about those with college educations.



In context, it looks like he's being sarcastic.

