MovieChat Forums > Jodaeiye Nader az Simin (2011) Discussion > why didn't the family just take the fath...

why didn't the family just take the father with them?

Why didn't the family just take the father with them? why did the father have to stay in Iran?


It would have been useful if they had gone into this aspect of the plot in greater depth, but I understood that though they had the opportunity of emigrating to (I believe an unnamed) country, Dad was not invited. This was probably due to his suffering of Alzheimer's disease. The country didn't want to accept the public health costs associated with the dad.

I found this to be an interesting aspect of the story line.

The family appears relatively well off by Iranian standards I suppose, but institutionalizing Grandad doesn't appear an option. Perhaps the infrastructure isn't there. Safe to say in many western societies Grandad would be admitted to a facility, which might allow the marriage to go ahead. Here I don't think it's even mentioned.


The family appears relatively well off by Iranian standards I suppose, but institutionalizing Grandad doesn't appear an option. Perhaps the infrastructure isn't there.

The reason they didn't leave him in a old people facility, is because in Iranian culture parents are so respected they wouldn't just be thrown out to live outside the family. They are taken care of by their own families.


They are taken care of by their own families.
Sure; except in this movie it's clear that Simin has had enough of doing this. And quite honestly I don't blame her.🐭


That's the difference between the two cultures. I think the reason you relate more to Simin is because she is written to be more Westernized than the other characters in the film. That's why she only helps other people only if there is a return for her (which is quite uncompassionate).


That's rather judgemental of you. The film suggests she has been looking after her father-in-law who has Alzheimer's disease for quite some time. There's been no "return" to her. It's a rather blinkered statement on your part to claim she is "quite uncompassionate" for her to want to be something other than a nursemaid for the rest of his life, however long it is.🐭


Because the father wasn't sole reason. Their marriage already had many underlying and deep-rooted issues, and probably already beyond repair. It was indicated in the final scene at the courtroom that their father has passed away, and yet Nader still refuses to move away with Simin.
