MovieChat Forums > Jodaeiye Nader az Simin (2011) Discussion > No mention of America, The Great Satan?!...

No mention of America, The Great Satan?! Unrealistic...

This movie seemed to portray Iranians very unrealistically. There was not one screed against "America, The Great Satan", no diatribes against Israel nor even a mention of an Ayatollah. Everyone knows these are common things for Iranians to talk about. The film makers did a poor job portraying real Iranians.


And you seem to portray those ignorant people who believe everything their trusty media and government propagate very realistically.
As an Iranian I must say your assumption is quite unrealistic.



He's just trolling. Don't feed the trolls.


Looks like you only watch Fox News. Next time you want to comment, please make sure that you broadcast your opinions to a wider audience so people can execute you on the spot.



How egocentric of you. But then again, why am I surprised that this kind of comment is coming from an American.
Maybe you should do some traveling and realize that the US is (believe it or not) not the center of the Universe.


"why am I surprised that this kind of comment is coming from an American"

Do you not realize how hypocritical this remark makes you out to be?


Very funny OP. The rest of you need to check your sarcasm-sensors.


Kind of hard to detect sarcasm in text when it's mostly expressed through tone and facial expressions.


Really? You've never experienced sarcasm in a novel or comic book? I mean the sheer outlandishness of what the OP said should be the giveaway.


The original post was a joke... and I laughed.


If it is a joke, it is stupid. If it isn't, well, it is even more stupid.


Have you ever been to Iran ? Have you ever met an Iranian ? What do you know about Iranians ?
Please next time you watnted to comment about something make sure you know anything about it


You should buy/build one of these:

One who's genuinely sleeping can be awoken, but one who pretends to be sleeping cannot.


Ahah, good one.

