Unexpected cameo

So, I'm watching this Saturday night and out of the blue, porn legend Jack Napier shows up in the park scene. He's only on camera for a second or two, but it's something I sure in the hell wasn't expecting. He's usually in movies that start with "Big Ass," but they don't end with "Spider."


Lloyd Kaufman was in the park scene too!


Funny things is as I was watching the film near the beginning I thought to myself I wouldn't be surprised if Lloyd Kaufman showed up in this. If you watch enough Troma Films, and other B films, you kind of get a sense. Lloyd Kaufman is the Stan Lee of B-Movies....also had a Cameo in Guardians of The Galaxy, directed by James Gunn a Troma Alumni who also directed Tromeo and Juliet....its funny where who start out in Troma end up. This film had sort of a Troma feel anyways.


HashishinSonGokiTengu; TROMA ?


I thought that dude looked familiar. Sure was him.


i spotted the lloyd fatality. they should not have showed the spider on building at the start.stupid move.not on my watch.


nikkivisser; LLOYD FATALITY?


Machine1418; Used 2 meet "Jack Napier" at the Los Vegas AVN Shows every January and also the L.A. Adult Shows. He used 2 be Real Cool but turned into a Major Jerk after he attended a Tony Robbins Seminar that was going on at the same time in the Los Angeles Convention Ctr.
