MovieChat Forums > Grimm (2011) Discussion > Maybe eve/Juliette won't choose nick

Maybe eve/Juliette won't choose nick

Everyone is wondering if nick will choose adalind or Juliette.. Maybe it won't even be up to him, there's rumours there will not be a love triangle in s6.. The only way that could be (if it's true) is one of them dies or Juliette does not go back to nick (cuz we know adalind would for sure want to be with nick)
I keep thinking to the other seasons .. Juliette didn't want to get his powers back and only agreed to it to save her friends. With that being said she never liked the fact that he was a Grimm.. Don't get me wrong she had good reason... Her life has been in nothing but turmoil since nick became a Grimm.. So if she is Juliette again maybe she will go her separate way cuz she wants a normal safe life now that she's human again..


Oh, Juliette will choose Nick. Don't even doubt that. Even under the Eve Hexenbiest spirit possession, she warned Adalind that she had better not hurt Nick or there will be hell to pay.

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True but that wasn't Juliette saying that.. That was eve.. The mentioned many times that eve was not Juliette. Now that/if juiliette is completely human again she may want a human normal life..


Also I don't think her warning adalind about hurting nick had anything to do with her having feelings for nick as they made it abundantly clear that eve has no feelings..


When Rosalee heard that Eve threatened Adalind about hurting Nick, she asked her (Eve) about it, & Eve admitted it was true & asked Rosalee if she had a problem with that, & Rosalee replied "No, I would have done the same thing too," & then when Eve left, Rosalee added "....if I was Juliette."

Who are you? Who? Who? Who? Who?


Right and that's kinda contradicting Eve's character as they said she is not Juliette and she has no emotions.. It could be cuz they need a Grimm on their side and that's why she was acting protective..
If she does love him that came outta no where considering not so long ago eve straight out told nick that she has no regrets on juiliette or her actions.. Correction her only regret is that he never got to bury Juliette.
Whoever nick ends up with I would really like an opology from Juilette/eve. Eve has all her memories yet has no remorse and didn't even say sorry on Juilettes behalf. At least adalind knew what she did was wrong and continuously apologizes for her actions
If Juliette is gone back to normal chances are she will say sorry..


Right and that's kinda contradicting Eve's character as they said she is not Juliette and she has no emotions.. It could be cuz they need a Grimm on their side and that's why she was acting protective..
If she does love him that came outta no where considering not so long ago eve straight out told nick that she has no regrets on juiliette or her actions.. Correction her only regret is that he never got to bury Juliette.

Well I personally took it as a sign she was growing. Don't forget she never actually agreed to become Eve. Whatever they did to her made her that way. Now you can argue if that was a good thing or a bad thing, as at this point she was pretty much insane and dangerous powerful.

But as you say, at the start when we first meet her, she is as she says she is emotionless, focused, basically a robot in human form.

As the episodes go on however, she started to show signs of being a bit more human underneath. Not enough to ever break what she had become, but enough to suggest that perhaps even she didn't truly understand what she truly knew and felt.

Whoever nick ends up with I would really like an opology from Juilette/eve. Eve has all her memories yet has no remorse and didn't even say sorry on Juilettes behalf. At least adalind knew what she did was wrong and continuously apologizes for her actions
If Juliette is gone back to normal chances are she will say sorry..

Yeah I sure hope she does.

I hope her and Nick get a chance to sit down and talk everything out. Its the only way their ever get any closure out of all this and be able to move on with their lives.


We don't know for sure she is entirely human again. The 'miracle' could be Juliette's emotions returning and giving her the will and desire to stop hurting people on orders. Nick was always concerned about not being able to protect Juliette and knew that as long as he was with her she would be in danger from anyone wanting to get to him or hurt him, and Juliette was also afraid for herself and for Nick. Their friends are also at risk. If she remains an extremely powerful Hexenbiest that will no longer be a problem. She is far beyond capable when it comes to self defense and she's nearly unstoppable; once word got out their friends would be safer to because no one will be stupid enough to piss her off.

On the other hand, Henrietta did tell Nick the only way to get the Hexenbiest out of Juliette was to kill her. Maybe they are going to decide the Eve persona essentially killed Juliette. I'm hoping that won't happen, but in any case she would still have a much better knowledge of the Wesen world that could help her accept that Nick doesn't have many options.


I don't see Eve choosing anyone. I do see her sleeping with Nick and Sean. From the beginning Juliette gave the impression of being an independent person. Where Adalind seemed to rely on others first Sean, then Eric, Viktor, and finally Nick. Adalind seems to have the ability to be independent. It just seems she has a fear of being alone.

Embrace your inner Biest.... We all have one


Its possible, I can easily see it being for different reasons though.

Simply the people they both fell in love with all those years ago, aren't really the same people who they are today.


Ya exactly .. Ugh so lame we gotta wait till January.. I started watching this show cuz it said s6 started in October so I'm like ok I can watch all seasons then I only gotta wait a month till it came on.. Now I gotta wait several months.


Yeah I'm disappointed to.


reading the latest articles that say Juliette / Eve will help Nick rescue Adalind. I see Nick and Eve continuing their working relation. With the audience looking for them to take it to the next steep. Even if they sleep together I do not see Nick and Eve having a romantic relationship. With the Juliette feeling returning. I see her spending her time figuring out who she is and what she wants. As Juliette and then as Eve she has never been dependent. Unlike Adalind who never wanted to be alone. Juliette has always been someone always trying to understand, that will continue. During the memory lost was was a tortured character, I hope that is not the way the Juliette / Eve character will be. I wonder if the group will sometimes refer to her as Juliette and sometimes refer to her as Eve.

Embrace your inner Biest.... We all have one


I don't think Adalind really NEEDED someone as she used them. Nick aside she was only with Sean and Viktor cuz she wanted something from them. Like a hexenbiest she wanted power and they are two powerful ppl aside. I think since she temporarily became human and had the baby with nick she became a better person..but of all the ppl she had been with imo it seems she only ever really loved nick. I don't think she was in love with Sean or with Viktor.
