MovieChat Forums > Top Boy (2011) Discussion > below par stuff that tries to be realist...

below par stuff that tries to be realistic when it's convenient

The show itself is very hackneyed in that it tries so hard to be realistic and true to it's two years of research but comes off unrealistic, predictable and similar to what has come before it. Me and my brother literally had most of the episode pinned down by the first 15 minutes and every other little scene just gave away chunks of what was to come
Rather than focus on the everyday struggles which may not make for good TV they've focused on very unique takes which don't allow much room for the audience to bond with. The main kid is so full of angst it's ridiculous but becomes one sided and possibly even stupid when his mother is afflicted with a clear mental illness and yet doesn't bat a eyelid and even goes to sleep and is prepared to live his life alone when his mother goes walkabout. But it was predictable from the first scene and the character doesn't allow for a realistic antagonist.
The nurse which seems to be a cross of the writer and Dennis Wise from the Wire takes his scenes almost take by take from the wire. Mr. Wise is a boxing instructor who helps local youths and has a past with drugs and tries to protect one of the young characters by confronting the drug dealers head on. Sound familiar?
His little scenes with his best friend go even more off the rails when his best friend is apparently good enough to be taken on into the drug world and acts as a spoonfeed into the drug world. But with all the emphasis on family and life, it seems the white kid is able to go missing and enjoy his foray into the drug world without anyone caring.
The pregnant lady fooled me but the fact that she had grown plants means she was well outside her depth though the drug dealer was the most entertaining of the characters though he only has a few minutes screen time.
While I can't remember the main drug dealers names bar Sully, i'll just call em Ash and Kano. They are ripped from every drug and crime rags to riches story you can find. With their dynamic of aspiring drug lord and violent partner in crime done better with films like Goodfellas and City of God. The top dog being a cockney gangster taken from any Guy Ritchie movie with trademark sneering and alluded danger.
While the dynamic moves the plot along predictably the characters are not likable and don't try to be anything different. Cue scenes of Ash looking on silently contemplating what to do next and Kano being a d*ck to anyone who talks to him.
The drug den scene was almost too predictable and the set up was again taken from the various adventures of Omar Little from the Wire. You could even call the main duo the amalgamation of nearly every drug dealer in the Wire. With the humble musings reminiscent and Pookie, Brody, Wallace and D'Angelo. To the contrasting gangster Avon and his aspiring partner in crime Stringer. Or maybe the coldcut and silent Marlo and his violent enforcers Chris and Snoop. All of which move with a realistic swagger and uniqueness that the one sided characters cannot hope to emulate in 4 episodes which their counterparts can do in a single scene.
While I'm not the biggest fan of the Wire, it's quality is even more apparent next to top boy.
the script itself doesn't jump out of the screen and unlike it's many predecessors there was nothing memorable spoken and quote worthy. Besides 'I give you good price' which I would find offensive cept I've heard Viets say similar.
Top Boy misses out on a great opportunity to portray the streets as a character of their own. They feel so disjointed moving about place to place as if they teleported there, you never feel there's a strong gang or drug culture let alone sense of community. Where apparently everyone knows everyone but they don't really, while the main kid's mom may have been a recluse I was surprised nobody recognised her and I swear she didn't pay for her groceries but when she goes to the nut house everybody seems to know but nobody seems to care the kid is left alone. Maybe that pregnant chick doesn't get around as much and obviously the only person to recognise her is the guy from her past who just happens to work there otherwise nobody would even know.
Then again that's just me venting from the first episode, I haven't even seen the second yet


appreciate your comment mate, but i suggest you give Top Boy a few more episodes. its never black or white, i thought the first two episodes was entertaining, better than watching towie or wot ever other *beep* is on this days.

so if TB did not live up to your expectations, can you suggest me something better to watch on tv atm?



But, of course, this shouldn't be compared to towie, it's a television drama.


Although I do agree about the similarities between this and The Wire, I'd say give the next episode a shot. Great post, btw...

"You want to investigate my courage? Do you? Find out! Find out!" (Robert Ford)


All of these gangs have younger aspiring members in reality, it seems odd that the summerhouse crew don't have a 'youngers' crew themselves and consist of 2 main leaders a girl and two others, so they need to poach kids from the estate to work for them.

Also I have issues believing the guy richie esque geezer kingpin character being the go to drug supplier for the gang seeing as in reality the Turkish mafia and the yardies would be the suppliers in 2011 Hackney for sure.


Top Boy takes a while to get going. Episode 1 and 2 are good, but 3 and 4 is where it really starts to take off with episode 4 being top notch.

This has more than the required potential necessary to be a damn good show and so far it's shaping up to be just that.


Well, from someone who's never seen The Wire (I know it's shameful) and knows very little about East End gang culture but hear about it on the news all the time...I'm liking it. It might have flaws but it's only a 4 part drama. I like the heavy atmosphere, sense of alienation and the way it's shot. I'm watching it because the trailers made it look good. I can see how younger kids get dragged into that world, and how things are spiralling out of control now after episode 3. There are touches of backstory, like a character's ex-girlfriend (?) and daughter, and DuShane attending church with is mum, and seeing his well-off brother. It's just British drama, maybe unfair to compare it to The Wire, I dunno.


If the west got rid of all the 3rd world immigrants...what would they make TV-series about then? I'm personally sick of watching TV-series from "the real world" that is about gangsters, drugs and killing - always involving immigrants/ethnic youths.


I think there are more than 3 immigrants living in the west actually


Haha, yes, I meant 3rd world immigrants. I'm not a native English speaker...

But only 3 people from the 3rd world...that would be a good start! No gangrapes, no gang-warfare, no drug cartels, no crime filled ghettoes. Then we would need half the police force, no CCTV on every street, and white women could walk safely after dark...

But then what would Hollywood make TV-serie about? There would be no "The Wire", "The Shield", "Top Boy" etc.


Half these kids are born and raised in the UK actually and it's not the little man on the street that is the problem,it's the guys up top who govern what they do. Also, the police are just as bad. Blaming immigrants (no offence) is a little ignorant, and is totally stereotyped. Big misconception.


It's genetic. Doesn't matter if they were born here or came here. Africans and Arabs are overpopulating every jail in the whole western hemisphere. Doesn't matter if it's the U.S, U.K, Australia, Norway, France...wherever. This is a statistical fact.

Why even deny it? And blaming the police is too politically correct. The system does work, but just not in in the "PC eyes".

You all know what they say about steroetypes..they're usually right. That's why we se TV series like this.


you are clearly more idiotic than the lot of them for even claiming that criminality is genetic. you complete and utter tool.


Was that your whole argument? I was hoping for some statistics, or at least some kind of proof of any sort. Namecalling doesn't really work. Well, if you don't have an argument, I guess it does. Wallstreet occupy much?




You loose a debate with that language FlashedGordon. I tell you the truth and you use swearwords and foul language because you don't agree? Makes you look kinda stupid.

BTW I grew up in a "majority minority" (60% non-Europeans 40% Europeans) area, so I know very well what I'm talking about. My sister is a teacher at the local school and my brother is a police man - so I also have good sources for what I'm claiming - IN ADDITION to facts.

Don't be angry at the man, be angry at the facts.


So you are from the UK then?


No, I said I'm not a native speaker if you read my previous post.

But the U.K, France, Netherlands, Sweden are all seeing the same thing, as they have the same social democrats in charge. It's not a "UK" thing. It's a European thing. Even a western world thing.

I just want people to face the facts.


They aren't lol,seriously, don't compare one country to another, and you are very, very wrong on this, the other poster may have been a bit blunt but your view is not right.


Lol, seriously. You can compare countries. Lol. OMG. ROFL.


You can compare anything, doesn't mean you are in anyway right on the subject. You don't live here for god's sake, the UK is nothing like France or Germany, if you think this then sorry but you are a twerp. Not all crime is committed by II's and thinking so is an incredibly xenophobic comment. Gang crimes in the UK are committed by English citizens equally as much as any other nationality, all you have to do is watch the riots to see this. Believe it or not you can actually be black, Asian etc etc, and still have been born and raised here, don't presume what happens in your country happens in others, it's an ignorant way to look at the world.


If you read what I said, I said, it DOESN'T matter if they (non-Europeans) are born here or came from the 3rd world. They still make up for the majority of the violent crimes committed in ANY western country.

The more ethnically diverse an area is, the more poverty, crime and unemployment it has. Fact.

You really believe it's any different in the U.K to France or Germany? No.

And yes, if you look at the riots what do you see...80-90% are non-Europeans.

Being an English "Citizen" does NOT make you English! As little as you moving to China and obtaining Chinese citizenship makes you Chinese!


Lol you are so wrong it's quite funny. But believe what you want to believe. Don't actually listen to people who actually live here.


Being an English "Citizen" does NOT make you English! As little as you moving to China and obtaining Chinese citizenship makes you Chinese!

When did I mention citizenship? I mentioned British people. You are British if you are born here, and have lived here for generations, as many have. If you look at the diversity of UK history it is so complicated and assorted that it is pretty unlikely you are 100% English anyway.
Also, factually the poorest parts of the UK are in fact predominantly white "British".
p.s You wouldn't become an English citizen, you'd become a British citizen. Very different.


You obviously have not noticed that i'm talking about Africans, Arabs and Asians.

It's not about being a British Citizen, or any other western nation for that sake.

You are NOT English, Scottish, Welsh or Chinese (for that matter) if you don't have the DNA that makes you part of that areas history. A Pakistani who is 3rd generation in England is still not English. He/She is Pakistani - living in England. The same goes for the British people who lived their whole lives in Singapore. They are still BRITISH, not Chinese. Agree?

When they make these TV-series (Top Boy), they make it so that the whole world is the same, and that Africans and Asians are "part" of the British culture - which they are not. This has only been a plan from the government in the last 50 years or so - and should be reversed. See any movies or TV-series from Britain from before the 70s and you will notice the difference.

If you took out the "ethnic flavour" from TV-series like "The Wire", "The Shield" and "Top Boy", well, there wouldn't be any TV-series.

The reason that the poorest areas are "white" British, is because they have been pushed out by low-skilled workers and welfare recipiants from the 3rd world who are now in the millions and ruining the economy. All these whites could have occupied all the low-skilled trades, but they are pushed out by affirmitive action programs.


You are NOT English, Scottish, Welsh or Chinese (for that matter) if you don't have the DNA that makes you part of that areas history. A Pakistani who is 3rd generation in England is still not English. He/She is Pakistani - living in England. The same goes for the British people who lived their whole lives in Singapore. They are still BRITISH, not Chinese. Agree?

No I don't actually. This is an extremely racist comment, possibly because you appear to be a racist.
Also, who knows what DNA a single person contains. Many black Brits do actually contain white genes, as through the centuries their families moved from place to place, just like white people.

The reason that the poorest areas are "white" British, is because they have been pushed out by low-skilled workers and welfare recipiants from the 3rd world who are now in the millions and ruining the economy. All these whites could have occupied all the low-skilled trades, but they are pushed out by affirmitive action programs.

Again, wrong. Most foreign workers end up in the larger cities, such as Birmingham and London, they are not "pushing" anyone out. Again an extremely racist, bigoted view. The poorest areas have become so due to mining areas, which were once prosperous, becoming dormant. Not in fact to do with foreigners "taking jobs".
You are just an angry racist basically, who because of this looks at things in the wrong way.


Well, it seems we are unable to come to an agreement, and that's ok!

It's called democracy and freedom of speech. The problem here is that you label me racist, angry etc. And racism is by definition illegal according to law. So you are saying I'm braking the law by debating you. When I'm not. I'm a realist. You read the response from "GordonFlashing" - do you think he was "angry"? No, he stepped "over the line" a bit you said. Do you see your double standard here? I have not attacked anyone or used crude language.

Ask a Chines person if you are Chinese, because you have a Chinese passport. He will say no. Fact.

Black people who are part white still look at themselves as black. Fact.

Immigrants from the 3rd world recieve most of the welfare money, compared to the indiginous population of Europe. (They are "only" 10 percent, but receive over 80% of the welfare money that is given out). Fact.

Immigrants from the 3rd world are more likely to and do commit more crimes than the indiginous population of Europe, based on their demographic percentage. (10 percent of the population, 60% of the violent crime - maybe even higher). Fact.

Immigrants from the 3rd world take all the low income, low skilled jobs as bus/tram/taxi drivers, cleaning jobs, running cornerstores, getting government entry jobs through affirmitive action programs, etc etc. Fact.

Most 3rd world immigrants don't integrate into society and stay in their ethnically divided areas. Or where they come, Europeans move out. (White flight). White English children in Birmingham are in minority. Fact.

Spain has over 20% uneployment, over 40% for young people. Why are we importing hundreds of thousands of 3rd world people into Europe, when we have massive unemployment within the EU? Why not employ Spanish, Italian or French people? Poles come to work all over Europe, but you don't see them filling up jails, selling drugs or gang-raping/grooming English girls. Why? Because they are European.

These are all facts. So don't call me a racist, because you don't like reality. But be angry at whoever ruined the system.


And racism is by definition illegal according to law.

Depnds on the definition of racism actually, debating it is in fact not illegal.

Immigrants from the 3rd world take all the low income, low skilled jobs as bus/tram/taxi drivers, cleaning jobs, running cornerstores, getting government entry jobs through affirmitive action programs, etc etc. Fact.

True, but the fact is most British people would rather be on the dole than take these jobs, this is a fact.

I will call you a racist, as what you are spouting is hateful, ignorant racism.


Racism is actually illegal, and punishable by law, in any form. So if I'm a racist, you better call the police! If not, stop using the word.

It's sad that you would end this discussion with such a buzzword, instead of refuting or proving my facts to be false. Or at least trying to prove me wrong.

You even say that some of I'm saying is true, but still call me the R word.

But I guess calling people racist is the easy thing to do, when someone points out the reality and it doesn't fit with your personal views.

Have a nice sunday!


The R word? lol, I personally believe you are racist. i just wanted to throw that out their, anyway! So crime and all of europeans ills are caused by the immigration of non-europeans. I guess the irish criminals and turkish criminals dont exsist anymore in britain. The Krays must have come from somewhere else?, or the Adams and the Richardsons. Andrien Brievek anyone?.... You forget that in the area of beckton a Polish man murdered his girlfriend and mother. Look it up before sounding ignorant bro.

Aside from the fact that human beings generally are similar in everyway....? The poorest people in any nation are more likely to have crime and social decay in their communities due to the lack of money and jobs and education....London is not the onle western city like this. all countries of great wealth experience areas and problems that are shown in Top Boy, this includes others like Japan and India , they too have their own versions of Hackney. You choose to ignore this fact, and are trying to blame it on an incorrect variable, the correct variable in situations of social decay is poverty and lack of education. You seem to be trying to say that everyone outside of europe are savages who come and bring this tyoe "behaviour" to britain.

So my question to you is why do you think Europeans are so much more better behaved than the immigrants that have arrived?

go on and suprise me. and as a follow up , please explain to me what you would like to see happen to immigrants who have toiled and slaved away to make this nation great again after world war? strip them of citizenship, do to them what the Germans did to the Jewish perhaps? Please reply . thank you for reading


Think his name may actually be Nick Griffin

You obviously have not noticed that i'm talking about Africans, Arabs and Asians.

Especially with comments like that!!


What can I say, you fit your stereotype down to the last letter. ROFL. LOL. Listen, "bro", you're the REAL hater here. Everyone not agreeing with you is a "racist" - how close minded is that? You are actually less tolerant than what you accuse me of being! Congratulations.

Human beings are - not - "Similiar in everyway". You obviously haven't been to Africa or large parts of Asia.

Europeans are better behaved. Because the statistics say so. "Whites" are 90% of the population. Immigrants are 10%. Still they commit more crimes and receive more welfare - compared to their percentage of the population. Way more.

But all this is just the usual talk. Let's see if you want to answer my questions.

Is it not the right of the Europeans to keep their countries and culture?

Is it not right that we preserve our heritage?

Are we obligated to pay for alle other peoples misery and lack of civilization?

What would you say if hundreds of millions of white people went into Africa and started taking all their resources and commiting crimes on a larger scale than the indigenous population? (Oh yes, that was called colonization - and we stopped doing it).

We wrote the UN declaration of human rights. Then the 3rd world countries, (All muslim countries) wrote their "Cairo convention" that rebutted our human rights. Why should they then have "our" rights, if they are not willing to accept them themselves?

And remember what happened to the Indians. You don't think some of the Indians said, "Hey, these white people are taking over" - And someone said to him: "No, you're just being racist, they are the same as us". "Besides, the world is one, and no one can claim any land or region". Now look where they are....sitting in "reservations", almost wiped out. Only place you can see their history, heritage and life is in the museums and books.

According to government prognosis, we are heading the same way.


Funny how you are the only person who has read your tosh actually believes it.
This is the same kind of crap the BNP come out with, who are racist also. So well done.


I'm sorry that you are not able to refute or debate me normally, but instead use buzzwords and insults.

The intolerance and hate that is shown by people who have a different opninon than themselves can sometimes be staggering. Where is the "humanity" and "tolerance" that the social democrats and the left/communists always preach on about? Does it only apply to certain people? Or certain views? Are they not universal? Am I not in my right to ask for the preservation of my people and my heritage, without being branded a racist, a hater, a bigot? Or as you so eloquently called my views - crap -.

Anyways, I have no clue what the BNP stands for, I've never read anything they wrote or heard anything they said. I'm not from Britain, even though I have visited on many occations and seen what is happening. I also read and see plenty in the news and on the internet about race riots in the big cities, grooming of young white girls by Asian gangs, welfare scams by Somalis etc. The same goes on in every other European country as well.

Why is this tolerated at the altar of multiculturalism? And at any price?

A word of advice before I leave. Be more tolerant to other people's views. It helps noone to be on the barricades like you, shouting words like "racist" to anyone not agreeing with you. That just fuels organizations like the "BNP", who you talk about. Be part of the solution, not the problem.




FlashedGordon: I just wanted to say, that I stopped reading your comment after the first insult and want you to know that I don't debate thugs.



I did and this is exactly what I was trying to say to this guy, this stuff he is babbling is dangerous. Reminds me of the Nazi's and the apartheid views.






Well done Flashed Gordon and Tuxedo. I honestly can't believe that some people believe these things. What a horrible man.

As far as I am concerned you are what you feel you are, a product of the places you have been brought up in, and of any cultural influences your family may have had on you. To say that someone of Chinese decent, whose family has been living in the UK for several generations, cannot call himself British is ludicrous.

The answer as to why minority groups in the UK may commit more crimes is not in their DNA! It has more to do poverty and gang culture that you saw in Top Boy.

How he managed to use the history of European colonialism to support his views was also pretty impressive! Let he who is without sin and all that.

Like someone above said, it is easy to get sucked into responding to such views just because you find them so offensive. But the most important thing is that as a Londoner, I couldn't disagree more with Roddy Piper or whatever his name is. The people from all around the world that make up the diverse population in London are just what makes it such a fantastic and interesting place.


Trust, the dude is obviously racist. I like the way he derailed the thread with his racist views and then claims to be insulted by being being called the "r word". since when did the term become a slur, to be honest, we all shouldnt have given him the time of day.

People like him should look at true great artist views on subjects like this, like charlie chaplin in the great dictator where he gives out a speech which basically explains that mankind is a social creature and that we should do away with borders and nationalism and embrace a more global community. with things like the EU AND the UN AND MEDIA BRINGING US CLOSER TOGTHER. the real debate should be about the balance of power and the checks and balances around this, hence why Top boy-esque concepts are intresting. We are basically viewing societies shunned underclass try and become powerful in the little underworld they create for themselves.

all this racist malarky is silly and outdated.

People like roddy piper would love to see british people of different ethnicites forcibly removed if he had his way.....but what do people think of the programme top boy?



Where the hell are you from? As a black American,I find your statement
"The more ethnically diverse an area is, the more poverty, crime and unemployment it has. Fact."--frankly, pretty ignorant as hell. Here in Michigan, in the U.S., where I live, there are plenty of diverse communities--Ann Arbor, Southfield, and even in parts of Detroit---the former two are middle-to-upper class cities, and considered some of the best places to live in the metro area. Cities become poor because they lack solid tax bases and decreases in population, not because of the color of anyone's skin. As usual, racists like you have NO stats of proof to back up your claims, you just throw this bulls*** out there as if it's SUPPOSED to be absolute true facts simply because YOU said it,which dosen't make anything you said true. According to you, those nice innocent European white folks NEVER commit any crimes/murders WHATSOEVER---it's always those pesky 3rd world country people, upon whose backs the riches of the Western world was built off of, that do all the crime, even though you have NO real proof to support this. Give a *beep* break!


I'm sorry, but are you serious? I'm suspecting that you are just setting me up for the homerun here, because noone who lives in the real world would ever claim such things. The U.S. keep very detailed statistics on demography/ethnicity, crime-rates, education, healthcare and so on. You can actually find all this yourself! If you use Google and put in the right searchwords, you will find that everything I said is true, within minutes, even seconds!

Just to help you along. Check out the demographics for Florida and Michigan, and then compare it to...let's say, New Hampshire and Maine. And then check out the criminal statistics, education level, unemployment for the same states etc. Do this to every state and then see the results. Check out California, New Mexico, Louisiana, and compare them to Vermont, Montana and Nebraska.

On a larger scale, check out crime, mortality, health and education between Africa and Europe.

The colour of your skin does, unfortunately, matter. IQ matters. You might not like it, but it's the truth.

Here's some reading material just incase you don't like using Google

The FBI "crime by state" statistics (Check out the Black vs white vs hispanic rate in every state first):

Then a Wikipedia entry with links to government sites, FBI stats and surveys.

That does not mean that a white person is automatically WORTH more as a human being than a black or whatever colour, we all have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But some people on this planet just don't have it in their DNA to build societies, cultures and democracy.

What can we do so that our planet would be more peaceful and prosperous for all? Get the U.S./GB out of all the countries they are at war with, repatriate all Africans and Asians/Middle Eastern people back to their origins/natural habitat - the same goes for white people of course. And presto, no more wars over natural resources, no more ethnic tension, racism, bigotry, affirmitive action and black feeling inferior in a white society like they do in the U.S. and Europe.

Everybody wins - it's called natural segregation, not "supremacy" or any other stupid buzz-word that our marxist elites have installed to make us act like sheeps and cowards.


Mr Piper, as someone said before, you are confusing social deprivation with race. Those who are more deprived/ oppressed have more reason to get involved in crime. Do black millionnaire CEOs have a particularly high rate of criminality, at least as mainstream law sees it?

You mention European colonialism and say it is no longer done. What do you think about Iraq, Nigeria, Afganistan etc etc. I think humans as a whole are greedy *beep* regardless of race.


Well I am not afraid to call you a bigot Roddy Piper. If it walks and talks like a duck it is a duck. I don't care if you like it or not. Stop acting like one and people will stop calling you one. You seem to leave out the other statistics, the intangibles. Like cops racial profiling. Pulling over people just for being black while a white criminal is passing them by.

Crack vs Cocaine. Jail time for having Coke is a lot less the Crack. As we know know the users of coke is predominantly white.

It is proven that the color of the victim not the color of the criminal counts if you get a long sentence or no jail time at all. If the victim is white you will get the harshest sentence but if the victim is black you might not even get jail time for the same crime.

Also for the same crime consistently up and down the board whites get lower sentences then black people and Latino's. I say make all of the intangibles equal then lets look at the jail population then. These were just a few problems that never has occurred to you or has but thought no one else knew it. Actually you should know best because it is bigots like you that racially profile people and do all of the other things that make any justice system unequal.

Now I am going to use that wonderful contraption IMDB has, the ignore button. Talking to bigots is like talking to a illusion. They live in alternative universes and they have some type of psychotic disease. Get help.



I for one did not believe the Wire was the Holy Grail. First it was written by a cop and a teacher, both white. Which normally is not my problem. BUT in this case it was. The cops were benevolent for the most part. Now my father is a NYPD Detective and I know that the cops in the areas like the Wire depicted the people feel like they are a occupied force. In the Wire you would never know that. Secondly the white people were basically the saviors with the exception of one or two characters. And of course on of them was a white teacher. The black teachers just didn't care. They had the nerve to make a homeless hope to die dope fiend a Demi God and white people never take or buy drugs. White folks always go into the back inner cities buying and doing drugs. But not on the Wire. Also every single black mother on that show was angry and alone. Yes there are problem but the Wire was like fantasy land according to a ex white cop and teacher. Oh and I lived with a hope to die herion addict for 20 years. Twenty years wasted. You can't tell me anything about that culture and I can can tell you white folks are all around buying drugs and are in shooting galleries taking drugs. The guy I lived with hung out with that Kennedy kid who died from a OD. He is on the news, his dead body is being taking out of somewhere and boyfriend and his friend say hey that's my cut buddy. Most cops are not nice and none of them are looking to adopt a kid from a drug infested area. And last but not least there are good people living in these areas. People who go to work everyday and do the best they can on a bad situation. There are plenty of two parent families. People in those areas do talk to TRUSTED cops to help rid the area of criminals. They live there. But not according to The Wire. People say to me that is not who the Wire is about. Well if you are going to have a TV show about drugs make it real. Not some fantasy.

I think the attraction of the Wire and its over rating comes from a lot of people who like the idea white folks are idolized along with the cops and the show holds up to black stereotypical behavior and also to the fact that most people never even stepped foot into a inner city or the drug culture and the realities of it. Oh I wanted to add my mother was a teacher and black teachers did care. Do you know the reality of white male teachers in inner city high schools white or black. A lot of them are sleeping with the girls. They take advantage of poor young girls like pervert priest take advantage of poor or fatherless young men.




With shows and series like The Wire, The Treme, The Corner, and the brazillian City of Men the bar has been set. Top Boy is well below my standards. It's like a urban version of Skins.
