MovieChat Forums > Mob Wives Discussion > Domestic Violence is never okay!

Domestic Violence is never okay!

I am sick to my stomach after watching Nat D, Renee, Drita, and Karen attack Nat G. I am a victum of domestic violence and to hear them say that DV is okay. I am totally on Nat G side. I am glad she called the cops on her boyfriend. No man should ever put his hands on a woman, regardless if he is from the mob or not. My ex was from Mexican mafia and I put a restraining order on him. All four of them are sending negative messages to girls and women all over the world that are getting abused every second. The message they are sending is that it is okay for men to abuse women. SHAME ON ALL FOUR OF THEM. Nat G, don't stress about those women, you are a strong women and I love your self-esteem, you go girl!


It's funny that everyone talks about male on female domestic violence, but no one cares when the man is the victim . Sad ! Very sad ! So with you logic it's ok for a woman to hit a man ?


I apologize if I did not mention that it is wrong either way. If even a women abuses a man it is in fact Domestic Violence, and she should be subject to lawful circumstances. I just commented on the Mob Wives show where the issue was man on women at that time. Totally agree with you a woman should never hit a man and vice versa.


I agree with your stance on the situation but I do have to add that domestic violence is wrong on both ends. No one should ever feel the need to put their hands on another person because of the issues that they have with that other party. Those women are so sick and twisted that they view being apart of that lifestyle means that they have to be miserable. All of those women have some nerve for attacking Natalie G. However, if you look at all those women on stage and look at their relationships with men in their life they should pipe down. I get the impression that all of those women were at least verbally abusive to their women. Just look at how they all interacted with them.


Totally agree, they all seem to be suffering from some type of trauma, whether it be Battered women's syndrome or Post traumatic syndrome. The show should provide a mental health professional to give professional advice to all of them.


I don't think they were saying that domestic violence is ok. They are saying that if you live a certain lifestyle then you need to, as they say here in Philly, be about that lifestyle. If you're going to walk around bragging about your mob connections and acting like you live the mob lifestyle, then live that life. When mobsters get attacked they don't call the police. They take care of it on their own or have someone take care of it for them. You don't ignore it, you just don't involve the police. If you do, you're a snitch.

I'm not saying I agree with it. That's why I don't hang with people who commit crimes- that is a stupid mindset. I'm just saying that that's their perspective on this. Natalie is a snitch in their eyes. They think she should have used her connections to get back at her ex. Which of course totally ignores the fact that she probably would have been beaten to a pulp if she hadn't called the cops when she did.

That hexagon-face bitch, she's so passive-aggressive.


Yeah, what these people don't get is if your family is involved in organized crime and the cops come to your house after they have been notified of a crime all they are going to do is victimize everyone there even more.
You call people in your organization to come and handle the man of the house who is out of line, and justice will be meted out from the inside appropriately. He will be handled and he won't do anything like it again. You just have to realize his brothers are there to hold him accountable for his actions. They'll do it and be thankful you reached out to them instead of the law.

Cops don't do anything anyways but arrest ALL the adults in the home, rip up your furniture and if there are kids, they go to horrible foster homes (usually) for 6 months or even longer. I wish that this was not the case, but the American system is not there to protect the victims in a home with a criminal from an organization they deem "of interest" to people like the DEA and the FBI who want to get a peek at a criminal enterprise and terrorize that organization anyway they can.

Cops are just a gang in blue, they help nobody but the federal government.
Calling them will only cost you money and heartache if you aren't prepared with a lawyer on site, and no weapons or any criminal background whatsoever.
I've never had a situation that got any better by calling the police, it's sad, and I wish it wasn't true.

Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion.


A good way to avoid it would be not to marry Mob guys. Honestly, if you're stupid enough to marry someone who's career is being a criminal, you've kind of asked for it.

dies ist meine unterschrift
