Is it just me...

...or are the performers rude as hell to the audience? I mean, I know they are just doing it for laughs, but nothing they say ever seems funny, just mean. Am I the only one who feels this way?

Future posts such as these will affect you in the future!


They are, but the audience seems to be fine with it, cause you know they're drunk.


They were 'rude' (although I wouldnt call it that word) at Whose Line as well. But its not rude its just getting a laugh at the expense of others.

TBBT, BMW, Friends, TDC, Jesse, TAAHM, T7S, WLIIA, Leno, AI :D


Sorry, but it's just you. Working with the public for the last sixteen years, I have dealt with a lot of rude people. These performers have never struck me as rude. I would be in heaven if I could be on stage with them. I would love it! Perhaps, you don't have the same kind of sense of humor that we have? That's good because we all see things differently. But I know that I really think those performers have talent.

"Munchkin doesn't like being pushed!" HP
