since now it's canceled...

...maybe they could work on a whose line revival.

Illusions- tricks are something that a whore does for money.


That's pretty much what Improv-a-Ganza was...

I wouldn't be worried though, they'll do another show like it, there is a market for that kind of show. Frankly, I don't think GSN was the right channel in the first place. I loved the show, but everytime I watched, I can't help but think, "Why the hell is this show on GSN?"


I sort of agree with you. Why GSN? And the format of THIS particular show would've worked better (imvho) as a 42–45 minute show, so an hour long with commercials.

I'm going to put this out there, but I find this show to be absolutely hilarious. I haven't laughed this hard so often, even with Whose Line, which was a classic in its own right, but far too censored. I-A-Ganza has audience participation like I can't believe, and that makes it so much more fun. Instead of Drew behind a desk choosing things from a list, the audience gets asked for choices immediately.

They explain the games much better too, like Moving People and Sound Effects, by actually showing them HOW to do stuff. On Whose Line, they didn't, so while it was kind of funny, you can't deny there were some seriously stumped people on stage who didn't know how to move Ryan/Colin or how to make the effects for them.

Also, Whose Line suffered (after watching all eight seasons) from settling into comfort zones. Colin was superior at Newsflash. Colin/Ryan were superior at Greatest Hits. Colin/Ryan excelled at Improbable Mission (actually this is a game I really, really miss in IAGanza).

But Ganza, while it does rely on certain strengths of certain actors, seems more open to the whole improvisational atmosphere.

To me, it's as good as Whose Line and for different enough reasons that I can like both the same amount.

And it must've been a great evening of entertainment live on Vegas. But I agree that it wasn't handled well for the transition to television.

However, I do want to add that GSN is a blessing in disguise, because every episode is on YouTube in 720p HD. That's something ABC won't do for Whose Line (big, huge mistake on their part—the revenue from ads, if they hosted the episodes on their channel, would've been astounding).


I'm sad to learn that it was cancelled. I really hope they make another improv show.


They'll keep going until they find a show that works. Whose Line is gone, Green Screen Show failed, IAG is gone.... they're not done. :)

Mike: Trust me. I'm a bass player!
