MovieChat Forums > New Girl (2011) Discussion > Make Reagan permanent!

Make Reagan permanent!

Seriously Megan fox killed it as Reagan. They should make her a permanent addition, at least til the end of the season.


Not sure how credible the source is, but someone who claimed to be an "insider" told me that Reagan will be gone by the end of S6, possibly between episodes 16-19. My bet is on Episode 18. They might bring her back in S7 but as of right now, there is nothing confirmed for Reagan's return if the show gets renewed.


I wish for a Reagan/Nick endame. So I'm with you on that, OP. Not that her character is so special, because it's basically the one she had in Jenifer's body, without the turning into a zombie part. But I really like how Nick is, with her. Less annoying, than how he was with Jess, who should just stfu. I mean, when she stayed in front of the gate, I nearly screamed at my TV screen, for her to leave the fck outta there! Lol.


Huh. The one reason I don't like Reagan is because of the Nick/Reagan relationship. I would like Reagan much more on her own. I just don't see any reason for them to be together. Their "love story" in S5 was so incredibly weak and I despise how Nick is when he's around her. He was so incredibly dumb (or they told Jake Johnson to play really drunk when he was around her) in S5 and he's such a diminished character in S6. At least he was semi-normal again in last week's episode. They need to keep him there for the rest of S6 and not dumb him down again because Nick/Reagan already don't have the chemistry to sell that relationship. He needs to be semi-normal for me to even buy it.

I wish they introduced Reagan as a new character in S5 but didn't put her into a relationship with Nick. I think Nick/Reagan and Jess/Robby has been killing the show in S6. They re-introduced the Nick/Jess factor at the end of S5 so they really need to deal with that. Either move it forward or shut it down completely because it's dragging down the show big time. I can't believe that's their A-story when Winston is playing on a whole different level in the background, like he's on a much more interesting show.


You're on your own. Because I prefer them, over Jess & Nick any day.


Depends who you ask. Whether you are a Nick/Jess fan or not, I think everyone can agree the show needs to deal with it since they brought it up again. Move it forward or shut it down completely. Don't tease it all season and then have it amount to nothing much.


That's the thing, they should NEVER bring it up again.


I know you and I disagree on this point. :) I wish the writers were able to let Nick and Jess just be friends again. They kind of have to keep pushing the romantic aspect because they never let Nick and Jess interact on a meaningful level. They didn't break up because they didn't have feelings for one another and the writers just didn't deal with the unresolved feelings. If it's a "no" and "they won't", the writers still have to address the unresolved feelings aspect of it. Otherwise it's always going to have a stranglehold on the show.


They broke up, because they were better off as friends. It's as simple as that. And I hope the writers STOP adressing their fleeting romance. Jess & Nick is cringe, and old news. So please writers, let it be!...


They broke up because Nick couldn't say he saw a future with her. That "friend" line from Nick was dumb as hell considering they weren't ever friends after. Hell, they barely qualify as friends now. It was dumb for the writers to make Jess suddenly madly in love with Nick when they haven't built at all between them in over two years. They need to address it since they brought it up again. If they're going to shut it down, shut it down but they need to stop bringing up the will-they-won't-they aspect if they are never going to directly address it in the show and just dance around it all season until every last season episode.


That friend line, is what people usually say, when they don't want to get back together with someone. So it's pretty clear how Nick really feels about Jess. It's Jess who's being an annoying clingy ex.


I always thought Nick was way more into Jess than Jess was into him. He said he "fell in love with her the moment she walked through the door." He said he loved her first. He stuck his finger into a cigarette lighter for her so they could feel the same amount of pain. That's not a guy who would say he just wanted her to be his friend, unless he thought that was what she wanted. It was a pre-emptive strike. He said he wanted to break up because he didn't want her to have to do it.

The way the show is set up, it has to come back to Nick and Jess, whether romantic or not because it started with them in the pilot. The writers need to finish the arc. They just didn't do it in an effective way after the breakup if they really wanted to shut that thing down and the execution in S6 has still been pretty weak. They need to get some traction on this A-story and push this thing all the way from where we are to the end of the season because they haven't done anything with it in the first half of the season.


Things change.


Reagan and Nick are awful together. If you don't want a Nick/Jess endgame, even a Nick/Furguson one is better.


If Nick ends up with no one, I'm a fan of the plot twist that he becomes an astronaut and founds Mars Landing or he discovers time travel. :)


Love how you analyse things and the other person just has no arguments other than "I want Reagan I don't like Nick and Jess." I'm with you. Deschanel is the show, Nick and Jess are the show, Reagan is a guest star (pretty terrible one), and will be gone soon.


I'm a bit too obsessed with analyzing the show ;)

I appreciate all arguments as long as people are polite about expressing them so I don't hold it against marco.

I do have my criticisms of a Nick/Jess pairing, even as a fan of their relationship. The writing has been particularly weak for them this season, not really selling the audience on a Nick/Jess reunion, so I get how some people could be fans of Nick/Reagan over Nick/Jess at the moment.

I think Reagan might have been a good addition but not Nick/Reagan. Based on past seasons, the writers get into trouble once they have 6 characters so I'm not a fan of adding a 6th series regular.

People love to tear down Jess now but the show just wouldn't be the same without her. The writers just need to find their way back to making Jess a protagonist we actually want to root for instead of this flighty desperate woman that is even more immature than when the show started.


Nick and Jess are THE show. If they annoy you maybe you should try watching other show, it's so obvious they're going back to them again.


Actually, it's you that are on your own. Take Nick and Jess' chemistry from season 1-2 and compare them to Reagan and Nick. They're so bad it's laughable.

The creator of the show herself has repeatedly said that Nick and Jess are the heart of the show, and she says they're endgame. Fans want them to be endgame.

It's just a matter of time, and Reagan's character is a waste of time because the've never bothered writing for her other than as the "hot chick" with no substance whatsoever.

So, yeah. You're on your own.


Yeah, something tells me marco has never watched the early season, but rather came in to watch Megan Fox. It's pretty obvious that he's no idea what the show is about.


I know Megan's the only reason, I'm watching it. If Nick and Jess are the heart of the show, then it's a sad shame. They are the worst thing about the show. Their romance isn't even interesting and they also have no romantic chemistry. They're more like annoying siblings than lovers.

Nick and Reagan are also awfully paired, but at least he is supposed to be intimidated by her leaving him for being too close or whatever. She is also a lone wolf, who is trying to adapt to the whole relationship thing. She ain't used to long term or serious relationships, given the episode where she had to break up with her "girlfriend." The awkwardness is actually cute, definitely more watchable than Nick and Jess, even if it is straight cringe-worthy at times. Reagan would've done better in a love triangle with Winston and Aly or Schmidt and Cece than the unwatchable Nick and Jess, but keep acting like Reagan's the problem and this show will somehow be any better w/o her.



I think they used to be back in S1/S2, but the writers are trying to force them to be again now when they haven't done any work on their relationship since they broke up to make it actually work this time around. For whatever reason, the writers just don't seem to be able to write them in a functional relationship. It would be more believable to me to make Winston/Aly the new heart of the show.

I'm not really sure what the writers are trying to say with the Nick/Reagan relationship. They treat it like it's supposed to be this really serious, significant thing but I don't feel like we have any real insight into how they are together. They say all this lovey-dovey stuff about each other but it rings false because there isn't any emotional backstory attached to it. Even their supposed love story is just a weak copy of Nick and Jess's love story. They just do stuff because the writers think that's what people do together in a relationship.

I don't blame Reagan for all problems of the show. She's just a symptom of the other larger issues with the writing and characterization that has plagued the show for a while. They keep bringing other characters in and hoping that is able to gloss over all those other writing issues and it doesn't really work. I would have been more impressed if they added Reagan but didn't force her to be Nick's girlfriend. I think there was a more interesting version of Reagan that the writers never tapped into to add a different female voice into the show.


when Winston is playing on a whole different level in the background, like he's on a much more interesting show.

THIS! It's like all other sub-plots exist to highlight how fantastic Winston is.


I wish this was the season of Winston. "James Wonder" was the best episode of the season and that was because it didn't make this Nick/Jess thing the A-story. There is plenty of story left in the show, but I'm not sure the writers know how to find it. They have to let the other characters do more of the heavy lifting in the A-story instead of going back to these cliche love triangles.


I prefer Reagan to Jess but I do wish the relationship angle would stop. Nick isn't right for either of them




Reagan is completely different to Jennifer Check. Where did you get that from?


Same attitude, same sarcastic tone, they even have the same mimics.


Reagan's a lot more mature and acts a lot differently, I can't really picture Reagan saying stuff like "you're lime green jelo and you can't even admit to yourself" or "I'm not even a backdoor virgin". Jennifer does act more like a kid.


That's because she's the adult version of Jennifer.


Lol I don't know I think you should rewatch some of Jennifer's Body and see, What she says and her mannerisms, there's a clear difference. Jennifer was mean and liked attention too while Reagan is the opposite of that.


Just watched it the other night. And it's exactly how I said it was.


Haters stay mad. Zoe is basically playing Jess in every one of her movies, but here you are talking about Megan Fox.

To the left, man... to the freakin left.


I think she did more challenging roles when she was younger. Her first big starring role was in "All The Real Girls" and that probably remains her best performance to date. She really made bank on her "manic pixie dream girl" image when she got older though so I don't blame her if she wants to keep playing the same roles. If it works for her, it works for her. Acting is a tough gig; regular work as an actor is like a panacea so if you find something that works for you, you tend to stick with it.


Reagan seems nothing like Jennifer Check to me. Jennifer was snotty and rude and passive aggressive. Reagan is mature and nice to everyone.


LMAO, yeah right...


I want Nasim Pedrad to be a show regular over Megan Fox; I really hope they keep her and Winston together for the entirety of the show.


Me too :) If the show gets an S7, I get a feeling everyone is going to be coupled up, but that might be a good thing and force them to get back to friendship storylines instead of going back to the same tired dating storylines the writers have a tendency to do.
