MovieChat Forums > Pan Am (2011) Discussion > Epilogue - whatever became of...

Epilogue - whatever became of...

I thought it would be cool to come up with a spin on what became of each of the show's leading characters. The timeline starts in January of 1964.

Maggie got involved head-over-heels in the smuggling business as Broyles' partner. She was eventually caught and despite that good word from Henson, her luck ran out and she was fired from Pan Am once and for all. She went on to pursue a career in journalism, even reconciled with Mike Ruskin, who got her a job at The Village Voice. She moved to Florida following her retirement, where she died in 2004.

Kate did indeed enroll in CIA training and upon completion, left Pan Am to work for the agency full-time. She remained in the CIA until 1999, when she retired and like Maggie, moved to Florida where she still lives today.

Laura remained at Pan Am until 1974, after which she embarked on a successful career as a freelance photographer. After Ted managed to break the news about Amanda's pregnancy (right after welcoming in the New Year), Laura broke off the relationship. She married a stockbroker and still maintains a photo studio in New York.

Colette embarked on a search for her long-lost brother as promised and with Dean's help, evetually tracked him down in a Paris suburb. The reunion was emotional as one would expect, and they quickly became close. Much to Dean's delight, Colette's brother spoke English quite well. Colette and Dean were secretly married shortly afterwards, as she wanted to keep her job at Pan Am. After she left on her 32nd birthday, they married once again in a church ceremony (having been raised by nuns in an orphanage, Colette had already been exposed to Christianity and in time embraced it even though her parents were Jews). She eventually obtained a pilot's license and became a U. S. citizen in 1969. Having learned his lesson, Dean remained faithful to Colette and was a devoted father to their two children. Their marriage was filled with love and happiness.

Dean was reinstated in July of 1964 after serving his six-month suspension and remained at Pan Am until its demise in December of 1991, when he retired. He even managed to become friends with Broyles, never forgetting what Broyles did to save his job. He and Colette eventually moved to Florida, where he died in 2001.

Ted found himself in a no-win situation, having no choice but to marry Amanda even though he didn't love her. They divorced in 1970 and he was able to gain full custody of his son. He was promoted to captain in 1966 and remained at Pan Am until its demise, when like Dean he retired. Having lost Laura, Ted never remarried and is now living in Arizona.


What a great idea! Kind of broke my heart that things didn't work out with Ted and Laura, but bittersweet nonetheless.

I just watched this whole series start to finish over the past couple of days and I'm so choked they didn't pick it up again.


I just realized that I'd left Bridget out of the loop.

Bridget, ironically, wound up transferring to the Hong Kong base when Colette remained in New York following the revelation of her long-lost brother. True to her word, Bridget kept her promise to Colette and made no further attempt to try to woo Dean back, realizing that their relationship was truly over. She never saw him again and remained at Pan Am until 1970, when she returned to London and embarked on a successful business career. Her feelings for Dean never really went away and she remained single until her death in 2007.


In my opinion Amanda was never really pregnant at all and had faked the pregnancy to trap Ted into marrying her.
He and Laura would have been together in the end :)


Of course, this is all conjecture. Each of us could come up with a different epilogue and there would be no right or wrong answers. I was a Dean-Colette fan, so I was happy to see that the door was left wide open for them to get back together at the end of the last episode.


guys i have a really super idea since you know people make stories online right just hear me out anyway why not us Pan-Am fans make a season 2 on this could be our chance to see were 1964 leads up to were we want it to end i mean why bother asking tv networks to bring it back when we have the freedom to bring it back ourselves online?

Bond James Bond


I'm in!

And AnaN...too true.

I was always in that "oh Amanda's a lying snake" camp. LOL!!

My fanfic (having a real soft spot for sweet Teddie): Teddie goes ahead like the gentleman he is and marries Amanda.

However he soon realizes he's been "had" after no baby comes along and Amanda spends yet another evening away from home in her SoHo love nest where she entertains her women friends.

Not having consummated the marriage even (as of course he knows Amanda doesn't fancy men so what was the point?), he gets the marriage annulled.

But of course sad endings being more compelling then happy ones, Laura has already moved in with a lovely young man who promotes her artistic side while she continues to fly.

Ted meets her from time to time down route and they have a drink together but Laura was once burned twice shy.

But alas! At the Pan Am Alumni Reunion of 1995, Laura and Ted meet up, Ted still single and Laura a widow, renew their love affair and were married that Christmas.

These autumn reunion love affairs DO happen!


Lets do a pan-am fan fiction



I like what others have written a great deal already!


Believe me we do not need networks anymore there not trusting people as they once were so if we want new seasons we can just create it



I too never believed for a moment Amanda was up the spout.

They went to a great deal of trouble to show us what was at stake with her getting married---the society wedding (the mayor of NY was attending and wasn't the governor too?) or sumsuch.

And she sought out Ted like a laser when it was time for her to act to pull the wool over her parents' eyes. She reached back into her past for an "acceptable" candidate socially in her parents' eyes then went and found Ted to start her cunning plan to get a sham marriage to cover her sexual orientation tracks.

The whole set up made it suspicious from the get go--remember The Tedster was a sort of nerd at school so she'd have remembered him that way, and I gathered from that she had a poor opinion of him from the bad old days (Ted's) and just targeted him because she thought he'd be a desperate guy pushover for her beauty and status.

But then, she meets him and is shocked at his transformation, she says something like: "Wow! You have shoulders!!!!!!!!!!!"

From that point, it was all Ted all the way all the time for Ted. And he walked right into the trap, including the gratuitous sex which in spite of Our Ted being an experienced "swordsman" (I mean we saw him sleeping with ladies constantly dragging the back to his room), the sex was awful.

Remember when he said post-coitus, oh doesn't always work out, or something along those lines. That was another hint that it was HER not him and to coin the phrase "she just was not that into you" Ted.

Then the wedding plans rocketed into place and the apple was placed into Ted's mouth for a good roasting, but not so quick, Amanda realizes Ted really loves Laura, her wedding and "beard" husband is wobbling, so she has to come up with Plan B--i'm pregs! On with the wedding!

Nah. I think a very convenient "miscarriage" was going to take place during the "stressful" honeymoon when the whole sorry marriage was never consummated, haha.


I love that, thank~you!



Hey, we forgot Sanjeev!

How could we? We loved Sanjeev in our house...and we loved his "pearls."

We discussed it and think Sanjeev went on to attend pilot training at Pan Am, when in the '60s the company realized they were short on minority pilots and wanted to promote the best from within. So Sanjeev was recruited and became one of Pan Am's top captains.

When in Bombay he met a beautiful woman who was a medical student and they fell in love. He saw her when he could, but when she finished her training, they married and she moved to the United States where she became a prominent pediatrician, and they managed between their two busy careers to have 2 children, a boy and a girl.

When they retired, they used their lifetime PanAm free travel benefits to do charity work in India, with his wife working in a hospital clinic there as a volunteer. And Sanjeev volunteered in an orphan's school teaching mathematics.

And the lucky Mrs. Sanjeev was treated every day of her life to those pearls of his! Lucky woman.


Ted supports his son's [mother as yet unknown as we never got to season 2] wishes to attend the United States Naval Academy, where he excelled and entered the pilot training program after graduation.

In the mid-90s Ted went to Kennedy Space Center in Florida to join the family group watching the lift off of Space Shuttle Discovery where his son is on board as an astronaut.

Ted had tears in his eyes when he saw his son ride that rocket into space and whispered, "How does it feel?" He then remembered a launch long ago when Laura in those bunny slippers held that damned aerial out the window so he could see the launch on that grainy tv one night in Jakarta.


hey anyone have yahoo lets all be friends what is your id mine is [email protected] we can talk about Pan am since that show was so good about the 1960's why not give it a try...

Bond James Bond


What a great thread. I love everyone's ideas for the continuation of the show. Such a shame it was cancelled.
