Product Placement

Although this board doesn't seem very active, I'm going to post this here.

I got this game the other day for $3 and while it lacks polish, I'm enjoying it. But one thing that is distracting me is all of the product placement in the game. I've never seen so much of it in any other game released by a major publisher.

I'm only on the fourth mission and I've already seen advertising from Full Throttle, TigerDirect, Nos, Hooters, and White Castle. This distract anyone else?


"Women. They're just like the woods: mysterious... full of wolves."


Normally i am also not a big fan of advertisement but i must say that in this case it adds to the atmosphere as you fight in "real" places. It works better as if the surroundings would have some non-existent brand names to be found. I was really surprised as i had a shootout in a Hooters rather than in some generic place.

Is this where the signature is supposed to be?
