Whites never fail....

To come and troll on boards with movies like this whenever there is a movie that comes out when the majority of the cast is black.

Have anything better to do? You don't see anyone going on other boards complaining about why there are so many white people...oh wait because that's the default in society. Whenever there is something different you all feel threatened or want to complain and deem it as "racist"


To come and troll on boards with movies like this whenever there is a movie that comes out when the majority of the cast is black.



They need to make a coach carter with all white kids playing in beautiful school, safe town, and they all get A's. Ohhh... I'm sorry that was my day earlier.




I can't wait for Roots to be remade with an all white cast!!


And we know that the people who are trolling are white, becaaaaaaause......????

Dammit Carol Sue, where is the vodka?!


You are quick to assume and you paint with a very broad brush. First, you assume whites, and then can't even specify *some* whites...just whites? It is alright as I know that is just how the world is. I don't care what color/ethnicity/gender you are, there is someone out there that hates you because of it and they don't want to give you or anyone like you the benefit of the doubt. They immediately assume the worst about everyone of said color/ethnicity/gender. I bet you probably knew that. What I am guessing you may not have been aware of is that you are one of those people too.

But it's alright. Just like I said, it's just how the world is and stereotypes, snap judgments, bigotry and hatred are never going away.

“There are no ordinary moments. There is always something going on.” – Peaceful Warrior


I'm surprised that African Americans aren't patronised by there being remakes of films with all black casts. This is like blaxploitation in the 70s and similar in my eyes to the inferior american remakes of French movies like taxi and Nikita that seem to assume that American audiences can't read subtitles. If it is felt that black audiences need their own films rather than black people be integrated into strong mixed race casts then surely original films like spike lee made earlier in his career would be preferable?


It's amazing what people worry about and waste time on these boards with. You either like a movie or don't like it. It would be nice to go on these movie boards and read what was good or bad about movies and not read about people's generalizations about another race.


Both films are still rated at 6.1 on here...Womp Womp



Agreed. Some of them just have so much hate towards black people that they HAVE to post horrible comments about them. Those people have no life.
As you said, the majority of movies have an all white cast and there is hardly any complaining about that.
When it comes to an all black cast...."Oh my, this is so racist!!"...."How could they do this!".... "Why isn't there at least one white person."

They just have an excessive amount of hate for black people.
You don't like them, don't watch movies with them in it. Problem solved.
