MovieChat Forums > Black Panther (2018) Discussion > Black Panther 2: (Wakanda Forever) Expec...

Black Panther 2: (Wakanda Forever) Expectations

BP was a one-time event movie. Whatever a "normal" MCU movie is supposed to gross is unknown at this point for BP.

BP will be a hard act to follow but maybe now Coogler will allow T'Challa to step out from the pack of so many other great elements of BP. Coogler allowed Okoye, the Dora Milaje, Wakanda, Killmonger to all have equal import and visibility in the film. Even M'Baku had a moment.


What's nice about a sequel is that all of the exposition is out of the way already. Looking forward to it.


I'd love to see a team-up scenario, kind of like Cap in Winter Soldier with Falcon and Black Widow.

Who would you like to see BP team up with in a sequel?


Armored rhinos in battle!!!

I'm fucking PISSED that the battle rhinos were left out of the finale of "Infinity Wars", they'd damn well better be back for the sequel.


those rhinos had laughable CGI.

Whole sequence in Infinity War played like a Phantome Menace rip off anywy, tribal warriors on grass land with hover speeders, a giant shield, lots of handheld energy shields .

They are lucky that Disney owns Lucasfilm too.


BP2 absolutely must have Storm. Would also like to see them use Kraven (Coogler's original idea for BP1). They'd have to borrow Kraven from Sony, but I'm sure they could work out a deal.


I'm kind of on the same desire plane for Storm/T'Challa but the character bond that Coogler created with Nakia would be such a shame to break. It would be akin to Betty Ross and Bruce Banner strong relationship just thrown out in A:AoU.

If T'Challa suddenly pivots to Ororo it would smack of pure fan service or a political arrangement for a union that has no merit, Mutant-Human alliance. As far as Kraven suddenly being an adversary for T'Challa when Kraven has no such significance to Black Panther? It is almost too much of an African stereotype and a movie trope that should be steered away from Wakanda as quickly as possible.


They don't have to leave Nakia out of it, but even if they did, leaving out Storm's relationship with Black Panther seems like a bigger sin. Why do that when all the pieces have lined up for it to happen? That said, they could obviously have both, which itself could be an interesting story with Storm crossing hairs with Malice. If Universal ever allowed the MCU to make a Hulk movie (never), having Betty and Natasha in it could also make for an interesting story. A relationship only gets undercut if you leave that relationship out. There's really no reason to leave any of it out.

I hear what you're saying about Kraven, but Coogler has gained my confidence as writer and director. Maybe it is just a trope, but I'm curious to find out what he was originally planning for BP1. Unfortunately, they felt it necessary to end Klaw.


They don't have to leave Nakia out of it, but even if they did, leaving out Storm's relationship with Black Panther seems like a bigger sin. Why do that when all the pieces have lined up for it to happen? That said, they could obviously have both, which itself could be an interesting story with Storm crossing hairs with Malice.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!!! The MCU is NOT the CW!!! A Superhero Love triangle for Wakanda? Let's save that for Reed and Namor fighting over Sue Storm.

Coogler should have left Nakia out of the picture as he already had three strong women in BP, (His Mom, Okoye and his sister) to play off of. Oh well, can't change that now and Nakia is vital to the story-line and the character arc that T'Challa has.

BP2 Is a ways off and they would have to bring in the X-Men before you could bring Ororo into the mix. I'm still not too happy with the FF not getting the credit it deserves for bringing BP into the MCU. Just like I'm still none to pleased with Ultron being a Killer Bot based on Stark instead of Hank Pym.

I'm still intrigued with where BP 2 will take T'Challa and Wakanda but one thing I truly want is for Marvel and Coogler to let the Panther loose. Coogler has Chadwick playing T'Challa with too much reverence for being a King and not a hero.


Doesn't another company still own the movie rights to Storm?


I'd rather have Moses Magnum as the villain than Kraven or any other villain borrowed from another superhero.

As for Storm, let's wait until the MCU actually introduces the X-Men.


I've said since Black Panther Opened....

BB2 will not perform like BB1....

They caught lighting in a bottle, there can only be 1 "First"....African Americans saw this film as the "first" Black superhero movie ...They got behind it and It snowballed beyond anyone's imagination...

realistically, I expected BB1 to make somewhere between 650 to 750 Million....But it became a cultural event....

IMO BB2 Will Perform better than the regular MCU sequel, It will get some Audience "Bump" back...but not all...


OW 160 to 175 Million

Total Domestic-390 to 425

Total World Wide-850 to 1 Billion(IMO probably closer to 925 M)

Worth Noting I think Wonder Woman 2 is in the same exact boat....

Both WW1 and BB1 drastically over performed due to Women and African America's Movements ....

WW2 also has the unfortunately task of coming after Justice League....Its definitely not a good sign that a large part of the same audience that saw WW didnt care just 5 months later anymore to come see her in Justice League

IMO WW2 will also fail to match its predecessor...


OW-115 to 140 Million(this will be the LONE stat WW2 beats WW1)

Total Domestic-340 to 380 Million

World Wide-725 to 775 Million...

BB2 and WW2 will both be Huge hits, But There Will be no doubt Their predecessors drastically over Performed due to the social Impact of the films

Worth Noting If BB2 gets over 1 B again even if its by 1 cent....It Will be a grand slam....That would be quite impressive and I think the only time ever The first 2 movies of A solo character both topped 1 B...


That all makes good sense. Im in agreement.


Worth Noting I think Wonder Woman 2 is in the same exact boat....

Both WW1 and BB1 drastically over performed due to Women and African America's Movements ....

WW2 also has the unfortunately task of coming after Justice League....Its definitely not a good sign that a large part of the same audience that saw WW didn't care just 5 months later anymore to come see her in Justice League
What represented what was to be the future then was quite fickle and unpredictable. The Covid-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the Mainstream box-office capacity (as well as safety) worldwide and will take years (if ever) to return to some degree of capitalism-based normalcy.

Marvel was able to turn their films into "Event" films and now that model can not realistically be maintained as a vehicle for financial growth or dominance.

I still can't accept your BB overperformed argument but "Cie la vie". 😎

I'm probably going to resurrect a ton of these old threads because so many have renewed relevancy.


I still can't accept your BB overperformed argument but "Cie la vie". 😎


Well you dont have to now...

Because now Black Panther 2 is going drastically over perform as well given the horrifically awful events of Boseman's death.

whatever Marvel Studios decides to do, be it recast the Lead role with another actor or decides to center around another character taking up the mantle like Suri, The interest in Black Panther 2 Will be similar to Furious 7 and The Dark Knight, Its going to get a Monster BUMP in Box this point, I'd be stunned if BB2 doesnt top BB1

By the way, I still stand by that BB1 definitely got a box office bump from Its Cultural Impact....But I'm also willing to admit it might not be as much as I previously thought.

Theres enough evidence now to conclude Marvel Studios Appeal/Audience is at the 1 Billion + a film rate...

When BB came out, It drastically outperformed other and recent MCU solo films, so I feel I had justification to conclude something else was at play to explain why BB1 seemed to have grossed almost 600 Million More than other/recent MCU solo films

Buuuuuuuuuut....Now after Black Panther, Captain Marvel and Spider-Man Homecoming all Grossed over 1 Billion+

Its seems Pretty Obvious that Marvel Studios Brand, appeal and Audience has Just grown to the 1 Billion + a film range.

Before MCU solo films were in the consistent, 640 to 850 M range, GOTG, Cap2, Doctor Strange,GOTG2, Thor 3 and AM2....all was in that range.

Then comes Black Panther with 1.3 B+....Thats Nearly 600 Million+ from the recent average MCU films, I thought and still think that clearly points to Its cultural impact adding a big Bump to its box office....

But I can admit now,Its probably wasnt as big as I thought...with BB,CM and Spider-Man HC all Topping 1 Billion +....Its just clear Marvel Studios now has a 1 Billion + a film audience(minus Ant-Man movies)

so now I think maybe the Cultural Impact of the film caused it to overperform by maybe 200 Million ish....or maybe about 15 to 20%

I agree with you about the pandemic....IMO its going to take probably 3 years for box office to really get back to normal or the heights it was at.

But I think BB2 will probably take around 3 years before its released....So I absolutely now expect BB2 to top BB1 with the awful events of Boseman's death...

WW2 Will probably get released Next year sometime and will probably have a HUGE decline in box office to the Pandemic...

If I were WB, Disney or any Major Studios, I would delay every Major Blockbuster that had a 150 M+ budget for at least 2 years...

we're in completely uncharted territory here, but Lets say lets take a few movies and give hypothetical's

lets Disney,WB And Universal all release Black Widow, WW2 and Fast and Furious 9 in Normal summer blockbuster dates between May, June and July next year

I think all 3 would make in the 150 M+ domestically range and Maybe 600 ish WW

But, Its Clear all 3 Possibly have 1 Billion + potential....In a Pre Covid 19 world

I would predict BW to top 300 M+ domestically and 1 Billion + WW

F+F9 to make 200 M+ domestically and 1 Billion +WW

and WW2 to top 275 M+ domestically and 775M+ WW

Theres just too Much too lose to release certain movies in the next few years...

If I were major studios, I would go the "Blumhouse" route and Produce and ONLY release a bunch on low Budget movies the next few years....

and of course Keep Making Blockbusters, But Make them knowing, we arent release them for at least 3 years until Box office has a chance of getting back to where it was...

shit, Tenet is about to be a HUGE measuring stick....I have no doubt that Movie Pre Covid 19 would have made a Minimum of 200 M+ domestically and 650 M+ WW

and at this point, It Might be luckily to top 250 M WW.....or at least thats where the overseas box office is going...I have no clue how to judge the domestic box office, In a month or so we'll have a much clearly picture


Well, the tragedy of the death of Chadwick really blew away the foundation for that initial prediction along with the changed reality of the movie going experience. Boseman's death probably made it more reasonable for "Wakanda Forever" to NOT reach the lofty heights of Black Panther but it looks like Marvel/Disney could have pulled off an increasing success for a BP2 above and beyond BP.

Well, we will never know.

My view is that just based on the number of clicks that Wakanda Forever is getting that this film will take the "Event" that was BP and make that the floor.


BP2 was a flop just like you predicted.


Other characters meant for the sequel would be spread out to other movies as either background or supporting characters in other future Marvel movies or appear in post credits cameos.
