MovieChat Forums > Black Panther (2018) Discussion > If it were an all white cast...

If it were an all white cast...

Can you imagine the outrage?
But because they are all black, no one cares lol. The SJWs remain silent...


I wonder if there'll be black gangs violence in theaters in the USA.

Or will all the black dudes say "yo, don go there"... "Hell nooooo dawg"... "Duck boi".... "Move da ass biatch".... and things like those to ruin everybody else's movie experience.


Oh, shut up.

There have been countless movies with an all white cast. It's the norm. No one says anything about those either.


No Londonbridge lol.
Not anymore they aren't. You obviously aren't keeping up with the world.
Those movies don't get made anymore and if they did the SJWs would complain. FFS how out of touch with the world are you??


if they made a movie called black panther about a black superhero, whose costume is based on a black panther with an all white cast, i would see a legitimate reason for an outrage. same would go for a movie called "white dove", taking place in michigan, where the heroes costume is formed after a dove, with an all black cast. but hey, ratioanilty and alt-right just don't go together.


Oooooh the irony of your post n failed insult is delicious!
Since, I am OBVIOUSLY speaking hypothetically when I say "if it were an all white cast" You empty headed monkey lol.
I didn't say the film SHOULD have an all white cast, did I?
You fucking idiot lol.
But then logic and lefties don't really go together so I'm not surprised really...


What's your point? Do you want people to be outraged that it is a mostly black movie?

Do you feel the same way about Big Moma's House and other Tyler Perry movies? What about Norbit?

Or is it just that the Black people in this movie are strong, attractive and have high status therefore you see something SJW about it? How do you feel about Blade?

Or maybe you don't have a problem with the movie at all and just have a political axe to grind and thought to attach it to a marvel comicbook movie starring black people...


Did I say I had a problem with it? You moron.
Boyz N the Hood is a great film lol. As much as you brain dead lefties ADORE calling people racist....You don't get to this time, sowie :(
You obviously didn't get my point because you are a mentally enslaved moron who doesn't follow what goes on in the world.


Easy on the swearing big boy (so scary 😂)... No one called you a racist, but you brought it up in response to my questions about other black movies. Absurd.

I entirely get your point about what is going on in your world... You seem like just another guy who is anti-SJW and is reacting to social media or what people are saying outside of this forum... I say "seem" like because rather than articulating your point you hide adolescently behind snark and sarcasm...

I'm here to discuss movies, the point of the questions in my post was to highlight that you are triggered by something outside of the movie, rather than by the film itself, unless you have seen it and decided not to share your opinion... Which seems interesting to me as it seems that the media are turning this movie into an identity politics issue for Americans and that people are falling for the bait on either side of that false dichotomy... For those of us outside of the US, it doesn't matter as we have no stake in that contest, but is interesting to see as an observer of film culture...

Also, I'm not a leftist


You know, the world thinks of the following North American "movements", thusly:

SJW = cancer
This bizarre "Feminism" that is going around over there [and sadly spreading to other countries] = cancer
BLM - another group from over there = cancer
Hollywood's pandering to what deems to be "politically correctness" with their movies = cancer
Media pandering to what deems to be politically correctness, while not hiding their Political Party affiliation = cancer
Animal Rights activism that defends the death of people = cancer
Veganism that defends the death of endangered animal species in order to plant carrots = cancer
Antifa = cancer
Fat shaming = cancer
"Cis" and other "Non-binary-non-normative-I'm-a-unicorn-because-I-say-I-am" pseudo-genders = cancer
"safe space" defenders - cancer

Meanwhile, the world looks into the USA with suspicion and laughter.


TwistedAcrobat - that is all correct, well done lol.


Although it is not just the USA.
I'm from the UK and we have our problems with far leftism too, from the dishonest media to the liberal indoctrination at colleges n universities.
It's a pretty frustrating time to be alive.


Indeed. You heard that coffee shop in Australia the owners make the male costumers pay more than the females because of "wage gap"?


I have not heard of that. Not too surprising though lol For fuck sake...
The wage gap has been debunked many, many times......Feminists today are simply delusional.


how about the "gender neutral" schools in Germany?

It spreads... like cancer


Yeah, ya know I heard someone say a while back that "liberalism is a mental illness" and for a while I just thought it was something people said to trigger the liberals but over time I am starting to think there may actually be something to that....


It's the millenials. They are all brain washed.


I was speaking to a young person on twitter the other day..
When I mentioned the fact that the media lies to people....He reacted like I was some kind of tin foil hat, conspiracy theorist.
It's actually pretty depressing. These kids are doomed.


I honestly believe you. These kids grow attached to a mobile phone, a Playstation and the internet. Meanwhile the world revolves and makes of them whatever it wants. They end up being dumb, unable to think for themselves, no critical thought about the reality they live in and in need of being spoonfed otherwise they'll starve.


Absurd? lol...
"Do you want people to be outraged that it is a mostly black movie?

Do you feel the same way about Big Moma's House and other Tyler Perry movies? What about Norbit?

Or is it just that the Black people in this movie are strong, attractive and have high status therefore you see something SJW about it? How do you feel about Blade?"

You don't see how obvious it is that these are accusations of racism? lol
You wish I were racist.
And there nothing adolescent about being sarcastic or snarky. Nice try.
But yes, you are right, I am just another guy who is anti SJW, anti feminist etc
What gave me away? LOL

"I'm here to discuss movies, the point of the questions in my post was to highlight that you are triggered by something outside of the movie, rather than by the film itself, unless you have seen it and decided not to share your opinion... "

I'm not triggered lol There was no anger in my post. I was just making a pretty simple point.
And yes, like you said it is more about the world today rather than the film itself.
So, well done you seem to be in the know about what is happening here lol.
But if you don't wish to discuss anything other than film on this site, then why are you replying to this post?


Also, I can't help but notice....I didn't actually swear once in my reply to you lol.
So....What are you talking about?
Even if I did swear, since when do adults swear to try and act tough?
Mate, I am 30 and I swear all the time. These days especially, it is pretty useful and necessary lol.


You did call me a moron. It's an adolescent response. I'm ok with swearing for emphasis, as a play on words, or in a joking way.. But I do not appreciate insults directed at me, but it seems from your post that you did not intend malice. No harm, no foul.

If you see an accusation of rascism in my questions that is not my intent. I was simply trying to understand whether it was something about Black Panther in particular, apart from other black led movies, that inspired your original post, or if it was the time and political context we have today, at it's release.

I really disn't have much to go on apart from your provocative original post. But thanks for responding and clarifying your position. I understand you better, now.


lol Okay, you seem alright, I take back my insults.
What can I say? It's easy to get fired up these days.


There's a Hobbit in it!


You won't ever see an all white male cast unless it was based on history for accuracy. Other than that, expect at least 1-2 blacks, 1-2 Hispanic, 1-2 Asian or a mix of just one group or the other in an all white cast show for now on.


Many "historical" movies made over the last ten years or so are getting less and less accurate if you hadn’t noticed.


Really? Can you name a few? Don't remember any off the top of my head.


You gotta give credit to Nolan with Dunkirk for sticking to the accuracy, despite triggering the shit out of many SJWs.


Yep, I know how it goes.


Why do you imagine there would be outrage to a movie with a mostly white cast? Most movies have mostly white actors and there's no outrage. Or, do you mean there would be outrage if a white actor were cast in the role of T'Challa? I hope so-- that would be nonsensical and deserving of some outrage.

As an aside-- why are you so fixated on race? Did you post in Thor:Ragnarok pointing out that it was a mostly white cast? Thor, Loki, Odin, Hela, Hulk, The Grandmaster, Skurge, Dr. Strange, Korg, Surtur, Topaz, Volstagg, and a bunch more characters were played by white actors. Only Valkyrie and Heimdall are black. Appalling! OMG!

Meanwhile, yeah, a movie about an African-born superhero, that takes place in Africa, has only two white actors in major roles. What's become of this world??


No, I didn't ask the same question about Thor because that wasn't an all white cast.
In fact, there are no recent films with an all white cast.
No that doesn't bother me lol. I know you are so desperate to get the opportunity to call a stranger racist but it's genuinely not the case here, I am sorry to disappoint.
This post isn't even about the film, it's about society today.
Forget about older films with an all white cast, things have changed...
These days those films wont get made n if they did, people would complain.
Whereas a film with an all black cast gets made and no one will complain because nobody gives a shit about white people anymore lol.


No one is looking to call anyone racist. I'm trying to clarify your statement. You asked if we can imagine the outrage if a film had an "all white cast." I don't think there would be any outrage at all, as evidenced by the fact that most movies made today do have mostly white actors in the roles.

Whether or not you're racist is unknown to me, but I can say that you come across as naive, unenlightened, and uninformed. Yes, after 17 films featuring mostly white casts and white heroes, Marvel's 18th film is about an African superhero, and its cast has mostly black actors. It's not an "all black cast" as you seem to want to say, just as Thor wasn't an "all white cast." For you to postulate that "nobody gives a shit about white people anymore" because the Black Panther movie has a predominantly black cast is laughable.

Why is it important to you that the movies you watch only feature white actors? More to the point, why would you expect a film made in a country that is as racially diverse as the U.S. to feature only white actors?


I'M being naive?? lol
That's a joke, right? Where the hell have you been?
First of all, it IS an all black cast. OR if it really isn't, lets hypothetically assume it is for the sake of argument, yeah?
The fact that you think I am stating that nobody cares about white people anymore, simply because of this movie, shows just how naive YOU are lol.

"Why is it important to you that the movies you watch only feature white actors? More to the point, why would you expect a film made in a country that is as racially diverse as the U.S. to feature only white actors? "

Keep in mind, YOU called ME naive? LMAO
Kid, not only are you being naive, you are being completely idiotic.
What did I say exactly to suggest to you that it is important every film I watch feature only white actors?
I actually do not give a fuck what skin color anyone has EVER.
Like I said before, Boyz N the Hood is one of my favorite films....
No. The point WAS that things today have changed over the years. Today all films must feature diversity to appease the PC brigade and the SJWs....If a superhero film was made with a 100% white cast, people would complain about the lack of diversity.
A film gets made with 100% black cast and nobody complains. Nobody wants to seem racist do they? And again, nobody cares about white people. It is an obvious double standard, that's the point. And if you seriously don't get where I am coming from then you must have been pretty sheltered over the past few years.

"why would you expect a film made in a country that is as racially diverse as the U.S. to feature only white actors? "

WTF did you smoke before you made your comment, mate? LMFAO.


There's a funny meme floating around where the Black Panther film embodies a check list of all aspects of the alt-right. They're just black instead of white. If this same film had been made about white people, heads would be exploding. That's the double standard.


Yeah, that's what I'm saying, man lol.
