When they make the toys

I really hope they make Shockwave, Dinobots, Combaticons and Insecticons this go-round in the Generations line. They don't necessarily have to be based on their game designs, but we got Grimlock back in Classics and Onslaught in Universe, we need their teammates. Those third party Insecticons look awesome, Hasbro needs to make the real Bombshell, Shranpnel and Kickback.


Well it's been announced that all the Combaticons in their cybertronian forms will be toys and they'll all combine into Bruticus. http://robotpilipinas.blogspot.com/2012/02/transformers-news-transform ers.html


Also good news. Shockwave will be a Toy, too. http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/transformers-generations-clas sics-30-35/transformers-generations-fall-of-cybertron-toys-official-im ages-174380/


I'm so glad my prayers have been answered! Shockwave and all of the Combaticons that combine into Bruticus! The new Optimus looks kinda cool. Jazz looks good too, but since I got the Reveal the Shield one I don't really want a Cybertronian one that badly. A Ricochet repaint would be awesome though.

Hasbro, please make the Dinobots. Considering Grimlock is heavily featured in the trailers and we got all 5 Combaticons I imagine we will see them. It doesn't seem fair not to make 'em especially since they said there could be 40 characters.


I also wonder if they'll make the new updated Megatron a Toy too. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/transformers-video-game-discussion/48276 3-foc-optimuss-mouth-2.html

BTW, what do you think of this fan made Cybertronian Scavenger? http://grimlockprime108.deviantart.com/gallery/?q=Scavenger#/d202uq3


You think he could work in the videogames?


I figure they'll make the new Megatron design since they'er making Optimus again who also looks different in this game from the first.

I'll have to wait and see a new Grimlock before I decide, maybe he'll have better weapons. I like the Classics one, but I might get another one. I really want the other Dinos. They're long overdue and this is the perfect time to do it.


BTW, some more good news. Starscream might be made into a toy aswell sometime next year. http://www.fullmetalhero.com/content.php/652-KRE-O-%3Cspan%20class='hi ghlight'%3Edark%3C/content.php?r=3183-Generations-deluxe-wave-1-new-st arscream-toy-pic
