
This was frustrating to watch. It seemed to drag on and beat to death the notion that you should never hit a kid. While Anouk called out Rosie (albeit it in a drunken state) that her Hugo is a little monster (and she learns nothing when the very trusted Richie reports that Hugo spat on an old man...and Richie apologizes for telling?!), nobody else did. The most frustrating part was that nobody EVER reports accurately what happened... that 4 year old terror Hugo refuses to play by the rules, starts swinging a cricket bat and when Harry takes it from him KICKS HARRY IN THE SHINS -- which precipitates Harry to slap out of reflex. That's the bit that frustrates me...8 episodes and nobody says, "Well, Hugo got out of hand and kicked Harry in the shins."

To me that part was left out deliberately to drag out the plot.


I was curious about this show that popped up in my Amazon Prime feed. I skimmed it and got to the slap, and I don't know what I think. That kid was out of control. I don't think the full grown man should hit a kid with all that force obviously, but I also do not know if it should have precipitated a huge big deal about it unless the kid was injured.
