Donald Trump of his day?

Donald Trump seems to be doing the same thing today. He's entertaining, but it's a little worrying that he actually has lots of supporters.

I wonder if CNN is showing this on August 13 because of the Trump parallel. I hope it gets a few Trump supporters to look themselves in the mirror and reconsider.

"Extremism in the pursuit of moderation is no vice."


donald trump was pretty popular in the 80s lol.


They've got Downey saying "I don't apologize for anything". Sound familiar? The parallels just go on and on....and not just to Trump. This is Fox News in utero. The whole premise is based on the Howard Beale "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore" speech from Network.

Get 'em mad, get 'em riled up, and let slip the dogs of war. It makes for great TV doubt about that. But when folks start taking this kinda s..t seriously, we're in big trouble. This is mob psychology, kids. Marc Antony's speech in Julius Caesar. Our old pal Adolf. It's all fun and giggles, until it ain't. Caveat emptor.


Well said.

"Stupid closet full of bugs!!"


Type A narcissists, the two of them. Although this documentary seems to celebrate Downey, it's very clear that while amusing for a time, when encouraged and then left unchecked, these self-proclaimed geniuses are prone to wearing out their welcome and the inevitable downfall is not a pretty one.

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
