MovieChat Forums > Touch (2012) Discussion > Two things that have annoyed me...

Two things that have annoyed me...

I try not to be too nitpicky. But there are some things that... well, there should be a way to keep annoying wrongnesses out.

The first one, which I decided to let slide


was on the space station. The increasing CO2 level. First they mention that they have to purge the suit "immediately" or he'll enter hypercapnia. Nevermind the fact that it takes a lot longer than immediately to get him purged, that's not a huge thing. My point is actually that they got that part right. Hypercapnia is in fact the effect of rebreathing exhaled CO2.

Then when she is freaking out and the ground is trying to say it's not a big deal, they say the EV crew is well trained to recognize the symptoms of euphoria??!? Hypercapnia will never cause anything like euphoria. More like panic. Basically, the feeling that you get from drowning, or having a plastic bag over your head and not being able to breathe... but not right away. You don't just go from feeling groovy to incapacitated from feelings of drowning. It would start subtly, and you can damn well bet they would be "trained" in recognizing the early signs of not getting enough air... he probably would have had plenty of time to get back in before passing out, because it didn't say he had no oxygen, just too much CO2. So he would feel the discomfort of not getting enough air while actually still having O2.

Euphoria can be caused by excess nitrogen, as in nitrogen narcosis, "rapture of the deep" which happens to scuba divers.

Anyway, like I said, I was going to just let that one slide, because like I said, I try not to be TOO nitpicky...

Then in part one of Gyre, just a few episodes later, the aunt claims that the kid was flagged as "special" based on his Apgar Score, which is absolute unmitigated stupidity. There is no way on God's green Earth that the Apgar Score will flag anyone as anything other than HEALTHY or NOT SO MUCH

The Apgar is just a quick evaluation done on newborns, generally taken at one and five minutes after birth, more if the score remains low. It consists of the sum of five criteria rated on a scale from 0-2. Those criteria, based on the backronym APGAR are:

Appearance (skin color)
Pulse (heart rate)
Grimace (reflex irritability)
Activity (muscle tone)

A score of 9 or 10 just means you are perfectly healthy
Anything from 7 up is considered normal
4-6 fairly low
below 4=critically low

In no way will it identify the infant as in any way, shape, or form, "special."
Just the fact that they would put such a blatantly stupid impossibility in there and want us to just take it... it bugs me.


Space station? I think you may have the wrong board


Nope. Right board. Girl on space station trying to contact dude whose suit is filling up with C02, Same episode as the twins who didn't know they had twins, the taxi dispatcher had the HAM radio that relayed the message saving the EV dude's life.

Like three episodes before the one where Jake's aunt claims he was flagged as 'special' based on his APGAR score. So like... episode 8ish?


Ahhhhh yes! Gosh I remember now! Thanks Slarti! sorry about that! Seems the only thing I can remember in this series was how many times Martin said "Jake!" ...and it was a lot!
