Remember this is a kids movie

After many, many, many animated Productions whith the intention to attract adults, many people forget that not all kids movies have to be like this.

This movie has more modest intentions, entertain new generations of children, and bring nostalgic to adults who enjoy this show. Another point to keep in Mind is the fact the movie is mexican and the humor sometimes isn't the same for anglos than for latinos, I supose the dubbing actors in english do their best, but is hard. Same thing with some american comedies in Latinamerica.

About the complaints of the quality of the animation, a Latin American film can hardly have technology budgets of the big american studios like Pixar. just a recent movie called 'metegol' about table soccer dolls are starting to compete a bit with that kind of look.



Just the same, I enjoyed it when I watched it on Netflix Streaming.

"This is me unconsicous." - Tank Girl



Shouldn´t the fact that WB went to such a small studio send off alarm bells ringing that something is wrong? Sure, I give Anima points for trying, but the only reason this film exists is because WB wants a slice of the Smurfs/Chipmunks pie, and yet, they put out something even tackier and cheaper than those movies.

Regardless of the intention, I think we can do better than shoving one giant Flash short into theatres and charging 3D as well. Kids deserve better than blatant outsourcing to people who are just not right for the job.


In other words, children are stupid so just let them watch garbage.

^Signature is below here
Americans have the right to burn the flag. 🔥🇺🇸🔥
