Best film of 2014

Yes, you heard me; I'm calling it now.

Stupid people always complain when anything artistic is presented to them.


Show me something artistic and see what happens.

Meanwhile, we're talking about this ... thing.


*does so* and?

Stupid people always complain when anything artistic is presented to them.


The trailer reminded me a little bit of Over the Hedge.


Yes, I saw the trailer somewhere, perhaps out of the corner of my eye and the first thing that came to mind was that it was a sequel of Over the Hedge.


That's his signature you just commented on. It confused me as well.


im going to assume that this is a joke post. And if it isn't im going to have a hard time sleeping at night.


I expect the third Hobbit to be the best of 2014. I'm not so sure about animated animal movies lately...


Did you working on that movie or why do you know that?
Myself I don't like computer animated movies. I want have back the classic animated style.



Yep... my kids sucked me into it... and in hindsight I would have rather have watched Frozen on a loop for a month than watch this stinker one more time... It was awful. Some cheap Korean rip off of Over the Hedge with even less humor and style.









Sorry. That award will be going to The LEGO Movie instead. The Nut Job was an okay movie but it only gets a one or two star rating out of five. LEGO Movie is a solid four, maybe a five if you never lost your love of LEGOs. If you haven't seen The Nut Job yet you can save your money and just wait for it to come on tv.

R.I.P. - Saturday Morning Cartoons. "You will be forever in our hearts"


Aannnnd, it didn't even get Best Animated Movie of the Year! 'Big Hero 6'!?! REALLY!!?!??! Buncha freakin braindead monkeys I tell ya. All of 'em!

R.I.P. - Saturday Morning Cartoons. You will be forever in our hearts.


I like how people actually took what I said seriously...
