Rosie's alleged 'accent'

Rosie claims her alleged "accent" is a mashup of her British accent and the influence of her husband's southern accent. Well, oddly enough, in the Rock and Roll couple episode her husband spoke several sentences and he does NOT have a southern accent.

There was a SNL skit that explained her "accent". Every morning she gets up and her tongue is stung by 1,000 bees. It really does sound like she is trying to talk through a swollen tongue so maybe her tongue is too big for her mouth.

Anyway, I never believed that her speech could be explained as an accent or a mashup of several accents.

I realize that there are some posters out there who will be offended by this post and will take it as a personal affront. Oh, well.

Unless specified as fact, everything above is 100% my opinion.


Maybe she has a speech impediment that she feels self-conscious about & doesn't want to discuss it?

It seems to me that she has a bit of a lisp. The way she talks reminds me of Jamie Oliver & how he forms his words. Same thing. But I do think she has a mash-up of several accents, in addition to her lisp. I don't have a problem understanding her, though.


I have a similar "accent" My grandfather was South African and I had deep southern drawl with a lisp he would help me with speech excercises and now I sort of sound weird... a deep southern accent is phonectially close to Low Country English Accent
(make lemons all money goes to animal charity)


her accent is really annoying, I did think it sounded like a mix of British and Southern though, funny how that's actually what it is. It's like the beginnings of her words are British accent and the endings have a southern drawl, she sounds really bad though - especially when she was crying about losing a baby. She sounded like a baby or like she had a lisp.


I have no problem understanding her. But the problem is not an accent, it's the manner in which her mouth physically forms words. It's very obvious. Just watch her mouth as she speaks. There's nothing natural about the way her toungue is positioned or moves.

Yes, sometimes she sounds British and sometimes the idioms she uses are "southern", but that's not really the issue. As someone mentioned, she probably has a lisp or something and this was probably the way the speech therapist taught her to compensate.

As for the husband, some people can lose their natural accents fairly quickly. Obviously he's been living in NY for a while and we don't know what he sounded like when they first met.

The SNL skit is the best explanation so far.

“If they let Jack do it his way the show would be just 12” –


I just saw a clip of hers on Youtube and her going to a speech therapist seemed to have worked..

Her voice is much much lower and her articulation has improved a lot.
