This is probably premature but I wonder when the DVD will be available. I can't get to the Curzon cinema and the local fleapit only shows the latest Pirates or Vampires rubbish.


The cinema release will be nationwide on the 16th December, if you let your cinema know you want to see it then they are much more likely to book it. You can also arrange your own screening at www.popupcinema.net


I've just heard about this film on the BBC's Film 2011 programme, where they mentioned it'll probably have a limited release - probably because it has no pirates or vampires rubbish as you mention, no big explosions or wacky CGI characters. This type of film will almost certainly have a short run in a few selected cinemas, which is a great shame as, from its subject matter, it looks like a thoroughly compelling piece of work. I guess you'll have to go out of your way to see this.

By the way, I did think it's a difficult time to release a film like this, this close to Christmas. But then I thought, surely its message is particularly pertinent at this time of year; a time when we should all remember people close to us or those we've lost contact with.

"Do you want to go to the toilet, Albert?"


Thanks Gary. I shall keep checking each month for the DVD as I am in the country and can't readily get to cinemas, in fact I don't like them any more - full of stinking fast food and people texting! Agree message of the film is pertinent at Xmas - I have always had a fascination for people who go missing, wondering what on earth happens to them.


Couldn't agree more, SueBee55 - I love film but going to the cinema can be a pain nowadays - the constant slurp from buckets of soda and the crunch of popcorn from even bigger buckets. My local cinema even sells hotdogs
- not sure why anyone would want to watch a film to the odour of reconstituted slop and fried onions !

There may be a bit of good news - I notice on the trailer that one of the producing companies is Film4, so I suspect that this will be shown on the channel in the near future.

"Do you want to go to the toilet, Albert?"


Thanks Gary, will look out for it.


http://www.play.com/DVD/DVD/4-/26920343/Dreams-Of-A-Life/Product.html? searchtype=allproducts&searchsource=0&searchstring=dreams+of+a +life&urlrefer=search



Thanks for that info.


Hi Sue

You can order this through Amazon about £11.99 from new the release is 12 March 2012

"If you gentlemen dont mind I'd rather not spend the rest of this Winter tied to this beep chair"!


Thank you, have pre-ordered it.



There you go. :)


Yes thanks very much. I got it some time ago - a sad story (Joyce's, not mine!)


Yeah it was.

One of the things I find strange (and is also sad for me saying it) is that her TV was on during 2005 on BBC One (well according to articles I've read it was on BBC One), and I remember watching Doctor Who when it came back in 2005 for its "series 1" with Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper. And what I find weird and strangely creepy is that while I was watching it, her body was sat in front of the TV 'watching' it as well. I know its sad to think about, and for me to mention it, but it is true.

One of the things I don't like about the documentary is that I wish there was more than just mostly 90 minutes of interviews, and I didn't buy it how all of these people were her friends, but didn't check up on her in those three years, so for me, it just doesn't seem like they really cared and is almost like me trying to remember a person from my Year 9 High School English class and things they did and then being interviewed about it.


Yes, it's funny how many people come out of the shadows when there's a chance of getting their face on film TV isn't it? If they were such good friends, then where were they? London is such a huge, chaotic place I guess it's easy to lose touch unless efforts are made.


That is true.
London is a big place.

But like I said, it is the one thing I don't like or buy about the documentary. Just makes me wonder when was the last time they talked to her or saw her, I know a few of them mentioned it I think, can't remember what they said. But it is just also her family who didn't make any contact. Not even a neighbour. They complained of a 'smell', but didn't go and check. Didn't even notice she didn't come out of her apartment. What about post? Where did that go? Bills? Gas? Television? I still don't take how it took that long for them to find her.


It's happened to other people who live alone too, esp. in London. It must be a British thing, not wanting to meddle. Utility bills/rent can be paid by direct debit. I can say that if my husband didn't come home each night, it might be a while before I was discovered/reported missing too! And I live in the country where you are known to more people in a village.


"It must be a British thing, not wanting to meddle."
Actually that is true, especially on the Tube. Never see anyone talking to each other.


on Tuesday 11 December! This is formatted to play on US and Canadian DVD players AND will be available thro Netflix.
