MovieChat Forums > A Resurrection (2013) Discussion > My first '1' rating I believe!

My first '1' rating I believe!

Like I said, I don't think I'e ever rated a movie 1 before, but this was just... crap!
No I'm not a gore buff, I think less is more, I love the genre, but O! M! G!
The script, the acting, the direction..!
You know how bad can be good, like The Room, Megashark vs. Giant Octopus and so on and so on. Yeah. This was just a horrible waste of my time :( Kept watching because I thought something "good" might happen, it might pick up pace, but alas.

I hope I get through to someone at least so they don't have to sit through this :)
BE WARNED! (And please feel free to reply with your review if you read this and still went ahead and saw it, like I have to admit I often do when reading posts like this... ;) Often turns out I disagree with OP)


It's not a 1/10. Maybe a 5/10 but not a 1/10.


I'm on the road less traveled...


3/10..sounds About right! 4/10 is where I rate my watchable movies at anything else less is just Garbage!
