Modern Day Greek Tragedy

Personally, it didn't work for me. Films that try to be epics usually fall flat. The first act was devoid of true emotion, while the second was too contrived. Without a back story, we are left to assume Avery's past and the reason for his guilt. The final act is so poorly performed, we're left with no attachment to these two people. I was a big fan of Blue Valentine and think Gosling is the best young actor out there, but just too many flaws for me.


Haven't you ever heard of "shadow of the past." The best storytellers leave some things up to the imagination rather than spoon feeding you everything.


Aside from the Tolkien novel, I've never heard that expression. While I hardly need things spoon fed, it would be nice if the reason for Avery's obsession with Jason and his neglect of his own child wasn't left to the imagination, being that it's the entire basis for the second act and a major plot line in the final one.

This isn't as simple as the Pulp Fiction briefcase, because it's integral to the understanding of the character. While I didn't spend too much time thinking about it, it seemed odd that while Avery becomes his father, his son became much more like Jason, who surprisingly was nothing like his dad, until the weak final scene of his.


I agree with you. The movie had some good scenes but overall seemed aimless.

I think the entire story would have been way more powerful if they revealed that Luke and Avery were best friends growing up and went their separate ways. Watching the movie I actually thought that was where it was going. Imagine: Avery kicks down the door to the bedroom, shoots the assailant on the windowsill, crawls after he is shot in the leg to look out the window and see... his childhood friend, splattered on the pavement, dead. How would you deal with that?

Just an idea


I agree, although then we'd complain it had been done before, but better. I truly think this movie's fatal flaw was trying to be too big. I'd have much rather had it not feel like two movies and some connection would have made it more cohesive. I also think I've spoiled myself with too many foreign films that twist and turn unexpectedly. This just bored me.
