MovieChat Forums > Mermaids: The Body Found (2012) Discussion > The people announcing it's 'Fake' are mo...

The people announcing it's 'Fake' are morons

It's obviously a mockumentary. No one with half a brain needs you to let them know this wasn't real.

My guess. The people posting things like this are part of the small group of morons that believed it and now they're mad because they just realized they're stupid.


Nope, I've had to inform my friends and family that its not real cause they were calling up ppl to tell them all about the little mermaids! I've even had to pull it up on imdb and show them that the actors are actors and let them see that they had done other films. And with my mom... I've had to do this twice! Once last year and then again a week or so ago. And now for another friend. I just don't want them to embarrass themselves.


I was suspicious all along it cold be a Hoax. But nothing in how it was made was a give away that it was entirely a fake documentary. It was quite well made, and I'm quite open minded.

"When the chips are down... these Civilized people... will Eat each Other"


I thought the cell phone video was a dead give away. They should've shot the scene with the crappiest camera they could've found. Plus I thought when the camera closed in on the "mermaid hand" and panned up just in time to see it growl and reach for the dude like it was gonna eat him, that the scene looked like something from a zombie movie.


I'm not sure how you can call the embarassing CGI on the kid's cell phone 'well made' and the terrible actors that seemed to be trying way too hard to appear convincing. The only thing that was well made in my opinion was the supposedly mermaid sound (which appears to be a real sound of something else).


Real Marine Biologists comprehend the difference between an animal necropsy and a human autopsy.

Some things you just can't ride around...


I think people are pointing this out because of the source. I don't know about them, but I and many of my friends and family remember a time when Discovery and History Channels were just as respected and regarded as the major news networks. If you heard something from them, it was taken as fact. Even if it were something far-fetched, say from a supernatural, extraterrestrial or cryptozoological nature, it was taken as a well researched opinion and that most of the photographic and/or video evidence would be reenactment.

In my opinion, this is where the real onus truth lays with Discovery Channel. Yes, these things are flights of fancy; but, if you saw it on the ABC News tomorrow night, would you not at least think there was some grain of fact or truth? Such is the expectation of Discovery. In these days of reality TV and other scripted shows that are inspired by truth, we have to be cautious. However, shouldn't there still be a few of the old places we can trust? I think so. And for that I say, History, Discovery, Animal Planet, etc., get your stuff together and get back to thinks that are based on fact or at least heavily studied theory; and, if it is something hard to believe, make clear disclaimers that it is theoretical and not based on hard evidence. Most of all, DON'T SHOW FICTITIOUS CRAP! You are contributing to the destruction of this countries collective IQ and betraying those of us who remember you as one of the last bastions of learning on television.


Maybe you need to visit the Animal Planet website and explain that to all the people who appear to believe that it's all a cover up.
Crap like this and "Ancient Aliens" and "American History revisited" are really screwing a lot of people up.
Admittedly they are very stupid people but even so, one would think that the channel would post some kind of declaration that its all BS.
Did Orson Wells' "War of the Worlds" not teach us anything???


Did Orson Wells' "War of the Worlds" not teach us anything?

It taught us to never underestimate the stupidity of the general public. And that this type of crap sells. Thankfully it's not a large percentage of the population that believes; just enough to pay the bills.


This explains religions too.

Even smart people can believe in stupid things.

Channels like Discovery channel or Animal Planet have lots my respect many years ago. It is all about money. Years ago I noticed already they stich up documentaries just as fast as I can drink my coffee. When at one hour you see something claimed about some special theory, and then an hour later I am watching another socalled docu using almost 100% the same images but explaining the exact oposite.

Serious how cheap can you become as a channel?

It is like MTV still calling themselves a music channel, whilst it been atleast a decade there has been any music shown on it. Or a channel calling themselves a *History channel* but making up their own b.s. history as they go.

I am visiting this on IMDB because I wanted to check out what other people think about this movie. I noticed that when I press the button on my remote to pop up my TV guide, Animal Planet has this marked as a documentary... as if there is some validity to it.

It is not a bloody docu, it is a bloody movie!

Why cant these channels not rename themselves properly into something called:
We make this stuff up channel
We assume you are a moron so now start believing in the following crap

Somebody with money who cares about honousty and thruth, should really take these guys to court for still claiming it is a documentary instead of a failed movie. Because as long as they do not change this way of describing their own feautures on their own channel.... then they are willinginly and knowingly deceiving people!
People ARE idiots, so some people would really think it is real simply and only because a wellknown channel is doing nothing to proof the opposite.


Well anyone can tell this documentary was fake. I'm just watching...for the entertainment. And I went back to an episode of charmed. Alyssa Milano...playing a mermaid. She has nice boobs. For me. I am very skeptic about everything. Just watching this mockumentary is entertaining. The mermaid itself is a CGI. I wouldn't call some people morons. They're just not capable seeing fantasy and reality. Back when I was a kid...half a century ago. I did believe in a lot of things. Even santa clause. But I'm 56..and an agnostic. I see alot of things..on tv...not real. But if people still want to believe in these...thats their choice.

I know one thing that is real to me. I'm dying. Enough said. So zeroapoc. If other people want to believe in something like this. Let them. They will obviously realize this is fake. Yes I'm a realist.
