Extremely slow movie

It reminds of me of a computer game from the early 1990's called Isle of The Dead; When you play it you are on a remote island with very little feature and any action is few and far between.

I watched it because I thought it would be something to do with Extra-Terrestrial figures but I suppose that was my fault for not reading the plot.

Earth people returning to Earth after 100 Years; Very thoughtful...

I'm in the middle of the movie but will give it a chance till the end.


Character-study films are characteristically slow. Necessary action sequences are limited to those which move that study along.

I expected a scifi action film. After the crash, the film turned into a character study of man and child and the relationships the two have formed between themselves over the years. In the end, both man and child relied on those relationships to pull themselves through their individual crises.


Est modus in rebus sunt certi denique fines quos ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum Goldilocks


it's the only problem in this movie, and it's because of the second writer that will smith imposed upon shyamalan because he didn't fully trust him. the second writer is a video games writer and he turned the movie into boring gaming instructions just to give will smith lines in this movie, since he was a producer.

i mostly will not be able to answer your reply, since marissa mayer hacked my email, no notification


I didn't think it was extremely slow, but the film sadly lost a great deal of pace in the second act with it's continual cut backs to Cypher in the wrecked ship, as he launches into yet another monologue, designed to motivate and inspire his son, but boring the life out of the rest of us. There was simply nothing to be gained by continually returning to Will Smith, under the misapprehension that because he is an "A-list" star, we all want to see him jabber on about nothing in particular.🐭


I must admit real slow lol
