Jadens Mumbling

I couldnt understand a word he said. And when he played narrator, that almost required closed captioning. Not to mention he cant act..I guess that didnt matter since his dad is Big Willy.




I'm so glad I'm not the only one who had trouble deciphering what Jaden Smith said.
Really frustrating and I had to resort to watching it with the subtitles on.
Insane that something important like that could get past the people who made this film.
One would think given the money involved in making a movie this big that they would have done a better job.
I too can only conclude it was because his Father was involved in it's production?
Nepotism at it's worst.


I guess, considering they knew what he was saying (from the script), it was an oversight on their part.


At one point, at the beginning of the movie, he says phenomena is. Phenomena is the plural from phenomenon, and it should either be phenomenon is or phenomena are.


Oh, well there you have it, that's why the movie sucked so bad. He said 'is' instead of 'are'. If a 14 year old boy is going to make an obvious mistake like that, he should quit the business.
Just kidding, it still sucked.


STFU!!! I couldn't understand what the bloody hell the damn Pikies were saying in Snatch..but did I complain? Not because overall it was a fine movie. Y'all are so fuc*1ng serious when it come to movies..geez!!



yeah I didn't know it was Jaden talking at the beginning but I thought that it sounded like they'd got a 14 year old nerd to narrate.
