MovieChat Forums > Project Nim (2011) Discussion > Disgusting display of human beings wanti...

Disgusting display of human beings wanting control over anything

Disgusted by the entire way supposedly compassionate humans want to make something God made into something THEY make, completely messing up the order of life. It's sick how much I agree with many who have posted because, yet again, some humans have proved to be complete morons at times. All they did was take the innocent life of this poor chimp in the name of "science". Showing once again, that putting any animal in a dysfunctional environment will make them a product of that environment. Think of the similarities of this documentary in its beginning stages that set up the mindset of this poor chimp vs the mindset of human beings when all they know is what they see from their parents:
A " mother" and "father" with a sexual past=a divorced couple
The "father" comes in for a few hugs while taking the credit every blue moon=the divorced man being able to do as he wishes and let his ex raise the kids alone mostly.
The "other woman"=Then the infamous 2nd, younger, hotter, trophy wife wanna be comes into the picture, who worships the idiot like a God with all this "power" that her vagina is so freaking wet to take over and be the EVERYTHING to the "father" that she insults the "mother" constantly on how the child was raised, takes over like a empty womb mother/vagina driven control freak & the "father" with his penis still wet agrees that oh my gosh you are soooo right! Lets take the child away-LONG after he gets to (like human beings) find a partner at a young age, want to be a family, have kids, uh oh...too much responsibility... Get divorced, free to be alone and sleep with anyone, hence WAY younger women who have competitive/control issues, agree with them because their 2nd brain is the only one working, go back to the "mother" to try and win control and "save the day" all because of a piece of ass.
The "father" gains control gets the chimp, plays house with the dumb broad, becomes "responsible" again for a family, the challenge again is gone, gets bored, dumps the slut, she can't handle it being her this time in THAT role like the first woman, up and leaves the child, father has no "cause" anymore, gets bored & throws away the child.
NICE!!!!! Now the "chimp" is NO different than the dysfunctional society we have become due to our self indulgent, egotistical, sex crazed driven, control freak role models. Our divorce rate is thru the roof and morals are out the window. Oh yeah!!!! Lets throw a "chimp" in there so we can teach it sign language and make IT adapt to our "wonderful" ways. Guess what, the chimp ends up like the human child does, abandoned, alone, pushed aside, trying to make it in an unfamiliar environment. Give yourselves a big pat on the back, you accomplished ruining some other creature in your egotistical quest.
Maybe, it'd be more scientific & more progressively successful if the Chimps did the experiment on a human being.
This documentary is just a gross display of ethics, morals, values, or anything "right".


Didn't read. lol.


I'm loling too.


What a weird set-up. An ill conceived idea hatched by a group of distinctly flaky university folk.One psychologist seemed to feel it was his duty to keep the ladies on his staff happy. Not a methodical scientist amongst them. Uncharitably they set out trying to imbue a chimp with human traits and teach him how to use sign language to convey his needs.In the beginning,NIM is as playful and biddable as any child.Conveying immediate needs by taught signs. There is never any indication he can initiate abstract thinking-and who would expect him to? As he ages,his tutors seem to be engaged more in "chimpanzee" behaviours. Affection and aggression toward tutors is noticable.Ultimately,NIM,because of his natural unpredictable behaviour, requires resettlement in a closed structured living environment. This seems to be the fate of all young chimps taught to entertain homo sapiens. The people(I'm not going to call them scientists) involved with NIM seemed a bit strange.They didn't keep records,they taught NIM to smoke pot and drink alcohol..and they studied his efforts to copulate with anything from a cat to a rock! All seemed a bit to far OUT of the lab,for me. I'd like to think my cousins are treated with more respect when they do their OE in the USA.
The Victorians tried these tricks with unfortunate folk from Patagonia.Despite miracles wrought in London,the subjects reverted back to nature once back in their homeland.



younger, hotter, trophy wife wanna be comes into the picture, who worships the idiot like a God with all this "power" that her vagina is so freaking wet to take over and be the EVERYTHING to the "father" that she insults the "mother" constantly on how the child was raised, takes over like a empty womb mother/vagina driven control freak & the "father" with his penis still wet

Oops, didn't realize I had come to the Masters of Sex forum.


You left out the part where the initial couple selfishly bought an abducted african 'orphan', just for bragging-rights. Giving no though whatsoever to what it potentially means to a child to always visibly be the outsider in the family.
Confusing 'quantity' and 'quality' they tell themselves that a huge family equals 'much love'.
Confusing 'encouraging free thought' and 'child neglect' they constantly ignore their parental duties and actively push the kids towards alcohol and stand in the way of them learning healthy bundaries.
