Nim's death

Immediately after learning that Nim died of a heart attack at 26, I googled for average chimp lifespan. Turns out it's something around 50 years.

Wasn't Nim's death extremely premature then?


- don't worry that's just my signature.


I was thinking this too. I wouldnt be surprised if it had something to do with all the traumatic events in his life. I'm sure the time he spent getting tested on in that lab didn't do him any good. He was also with a few people that didn't know how to take care of a chimp. Then there's the booze and smoking.


I guess his brother died at about the same age of the same ailment, so maybe it was hereditary also.
He lifts me clear to the sky, you know he taught me to fly.


I presume it's because of the *beep* human diet he was on. I Don't think chimps are supposed to drink soda, yogurt, etc


and yet humans are older then ever before.

Probably stress, humans who go through severe childhood-trauma mature earlier and die younger (yeah, life is really really unfair)
