A Bioware Question

My boyfriend and I were having a heated debate about how certain bioware games keeps to a formula when it comes to the people in the party. There are always the same archetypes. Take for instance thhe solid buddy/female love interest. It started with Knights of the Old Republic, you had Carth Onassi, then you had Atton Rand. Fast forward a few years to Mass Effect 1 and 2 there is Kaiden Alenko and Jacob. In Dragon Age, there Alistair. There are plenty of other archetypal characters in all these games that would compare.

He says that it is boring and people are getting sick of hearing and playing the same formula over and over where my opinion is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". I really enjoy the formula, it makes me feel comfortable with my teams, no matter which game i am playing. What do other people think. He says more people would agree with him, I am not so sure!

What do you guys think? I only pose this because in Dragon Age 2, there doesnt seem to be that same archetype and I am kinda disappointed, noone is charming! lol


Family was more evident in this game, but I'd say Varric and your relationship was pretty buddy buddy.




Eh, I think the Bioware companion archtypes started with Neverwinter Nights...but that's just me. ;)

As for the argument...I'd be fine with that except for one thing that Bioware does, that irks me to no end...the fact that they don't have a middle of the road personality to any of the romanceable characters! Even Alistair was so naive at first it was cute until his bumbling over what to say, what to do, about the romance started to get old. Anders follows in his footsteps in that way. "Hey I like you, you wanna hook-up?" "I can't...I'll only hurt you. You deserve someone better. My inner demons are too messed up to bring someone else into it..." or you get the exact opposite, the emo broody, angsty type like Fenris. lol Specially with the males for us gamer girls. There are ALWAYS only two male choices and one is a naive, bumbling idiot and the other one is a emo, angsty, lone wolf. It's just annoying. LOL!

Fiona: Eff you.
Steve: I love you too.
