Gay by accident.......

I was talking to my wife while playing the other day, and she started to laugh. i looked up at the screen and saw one of the male characters making out with my male character. Must have hit a button by accident. We did get a good laugh out of the unintentional gayness.

My question is, can you have multiple romances going on at the same time?

As soon as the kiss happenned, all my other party memebers knew about it and were commenting on it, which you think would damper some future romances.

"Sonny had five fingers, but he only used three"


I hate to be the one to have to tell you, but your character wasn't gay by accident. Clearly he's attracted to other men.

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.



You must have clicked on a dialogue option that had a heart icon by accident, that's the only way you can romance your characters. I'm not sure if the game allows you to have multiple romances like it did in Origins.



What act are you in omnibot? You can't romance Isabella until act 2?

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.



After returning from the expedition (that Varric and his brother offer).


Thsi reminds me of a similar experience I had in DA:O. I was playing through my first time and I was just trying to be nice to all the characters. Zevran came around and I was merciful. When he talked about his past I was supportive and understanding of his role as a Crow. I was just trying not be a jerk.

Eventually, I guess Zevran decided to really like me and stated mentioning how great and I was and how much he loved being with me. I always chose the "nice" options. In my head I didn't hear my replies as flirtacious or anything. I was just being polite: "Uh, sure, you too, buddy..." kind of thing.

Anyway, Zevran never actually professed love and it never culminated in a "romanctic scene." But, at the end of the game, when Morrigan was trying to get my Warden to conceive the demon child she mentioned, "Are you thinking about your Zevran?" All my options assumed that my character was digging Zevran, too. There weren't any "Uh, you got me wrong..." options.


It's different in DA:II though, you can be nice to the characters and never start a relationship. The only way to do so is too flirt with them and they have added icons to the dialogue wheel so you know which option would be a flirting comment (heart icon).


I managed to miss the relevance of the heart icon on my first play and nearly sh4t myself when Anders moved in and slapped his mouth over mine.

Right in front of some Merrill and Isabella too! Probably blew my chances with them in that move!

"I first became aware of it Mandrake, during the physical act of love."


Not true..I hate how they have some of the dialogue because i picked the nice options all the time in reference to Anders as a male and at one point he winds up hitting on your where you pretty much have to pick the heartbreak option and lose friend points. I've never liked how they handle this in Dragon Age..You get suckered into those situations whereas you didn't,or at least didn't have such repercussions,in Mass Effect


In Mass Effect 2 I went to talk to Mordin Solus quite a bit -- it was my first Bioware game, Solas was funny, and he also seemed to have a lot to say about the missions.

Fast forward deeper into the game, I go to see Solus again in his lab...and he's like, "You come around a lot, don't you? Sorry Shepard, but I'm not romantically interested in you."

Then you have a dialog option, as FemShep, to say sarcastically, "Thanks for letting me down easy, Mordin."

That was unintentional but hilarious.


My mage used his staff of power to vanquish the demons from Fenris' insides.

Revenge is a dish best served cold.


It's impossible to accidentally stumble into any kind of romance in this game... unless you ignored the giant glowing hearts ;)



My question is, can you have multiple romances going on at the same time?

Yes you can. On my second game I managed to succesfully romance both Merrill and Fenris and had romantic interactions with both during the end sequence and never got a complaint from either. Next time round I'm romancing all of them.

An equation for me has no meaning unless it expresses a thought of God.


What I find interesting is that this time around they don't call you on it. In DA:O I was romancing both Alistair and Zevran, and eventually one or the other says that you have to pick one. Zevran claims not to care if you're doing both of them but says he knows Alistair would etc. But apparently (I haven't yet tried it in this one) no one cares this time around?

"Do I have to hold up a sarcasm sign every time I open my mouth?"


Worst of all is when you take your new partner Merrill out for a jaunt, and you pop in to see Gamlen. The old bu99er then, right in front of your new missus, says something like "I hear you've been staying over with that pirate girl"! But I hadn't! I promise! True she was flirting a lot but, one of you has to tell Merrill that Gamlen was being a d1ck! Poor Isabella though, as I had to give her to the Qunari to make it clear to everyone.

"I first became aware of it Mandrake, during the physical act of love."


Actually you're both wrong. You can romance multiple characters, but not at the same time.

If you romance Anders or Merrill and you have one of them move in, it locks you into that relationship and you can't sleep with anyone else.

If you romance Fenris and then romance Anders or Merrill but you break up with them afterwards, you can continue your relationship with Fenris. However if you romance Anders or Merrill after romancing Fenris and you have one of them move in, it cancels out the Fenris romance.

If you romance Fenris and romance Isabela after, the Isabela romance will always cancel out the Fenris romance whether you decide to keep it physical (i.e. "friends with benefits") or pursue an actual relationship.

If you romance Isabela and then romance Anders or Merrill, the Isabela romance will stop if you have Anders or Merrill move in but if you don't, then the Isabela romance continues.

If you want to romance Sebastian, you can flirt with certain companions in Act 1 (Sebastian doesn't become a party member until Act 2) but you can't flirt with anyone but Sebastian in Act 2 and Act 3. If you flirt with the other companions or even romance them, when it finally comes to solidifying the Sebastian romance in Act 3, he will decline and state that he just wants to be friends. If you successfully romance Sebastian and only Sebastian, the only way you're able to have a chaste marriage with him (friendly romance) or marry him after he becomes Prince of Starkhaven (rival romance). Sebastian's romance never reaches the same depth as the others, meaning you never sleep with him and he doesn't move in.

Also, as for the whole "gay by accident", I'm going to take a wild guess and assume that the OP's Hawke didn't accidentally make-out with one of the male companions, and probably only posted it here to reaffirm his wavering sexuality.

If it's been fifteen years or more, it's no longer a spoiler.
