Tips for SAT Essays

Tips for SAT-like Test Essays. Tailor-made for writing essays in less than 30 minutes.

1. State the opposing views first (this is more interesting for readers and graders)

There are those who maintain that...
There are people in the world who say that...
Some say that... (poetic)
Many are those who believe....

2. Concede that opposing views are not entirely wrong (this makes your writing look more mature and accommodating)

There are certain truths to what they say.
It is understandable why they believe what they believe.
They are not necessarily wrong in what they say.

3. State your contrary views (this begins the body of your essay)

However a more careful examination would reveal that....
But on a much closer inspection...
However it is more reasonable to consider the fact that...

4. Cite your sources (so that people know this is not just from your head)

According to reliable studies
Reliable studies prove/indicate/demonstrate that...
According to a reliable study by Dr. So-and-So

5. State why your views are more reasonable (for effective persuasion)

It stands to reason that...
It is more credible to say that...
It is more likely that...
The following view is supported by more evidence:
More reasonable people will side with the view that...

6. Add that your views are not necessarily the best but better than opposing views (this gives you room for flexibility)

We are not looking for the perfect solution, but a better solution...
The perfect solution may not exist; but a better solution does.
No one can expect us to come up with the perfect answer, but a better answer is possible.

7. State your conclusion

Does it not stand to reason that...?
Who can fault us for believing that...?
It is most reasonable to conclude that...
The following conclusion is unavoidable:
We may not be entirely pleased with this conclusion, but may have to accept that...






New SATs, new essays


hmmm interesting post... this might come in handy. Where did you get the ideas//info?

Is that your pic in the avatar? Thanks!!

"There's a lot of RAGE inside me about it". ~ Austin Matelson
