MovieChat Forums > FDR: American Badass! (2012) Discussion > FDR was responsible for mass suffering

FDR was responsible for mass suffering

This seems like establishment propaganda to prop up FDR. He was responsible for changing a recession into a major depression with his policies. If he would have stopped meddling in retarded ways, such as destroying food to raise prices, the USA would have emerged from the depression way before 1945 or whenever. The mass suffering caused by this man puts him on par with international criminals like Mao and Stalin.


While I consider many of FDR's policies to have had a negative effect on the US economy, to make a sweeping statement comparing FDR to Hitler or Stalin is stupid beyond belief. Stick with films like Dude, Where's My Car? in the future- it will spare you embarrassment, and reasonable people eye-rolling annoyance.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae


When this "negative effect" involves mass human suffering, I'm gonna say he's not someone who should receive adulation. His shenanigans trying to pull the US into war are also deplorable.


Well we went into Iraq, based on false info only to profit the then current Vice Presidents former "employer" with no bid contracts.

Oh I guess it did also benefit those oil companies with 100 year leases on all of Iraq's Oil fields.

All while we kill/injure hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's we went in supposedly trying to protect. From the dictator that we helped not only achieve his power. But we also outfitted his army to "play war" against Russia with their puppet Iran.

Seems to me "negative choices" that only benefited those profiting off of it. While they pulled us into a war that didn't even exist.

At least when we went into WW2 we had many reasons. And we finished it for the better of the world. Not just a few profiteers.

Iraq being driven by the Right. Only did it for profit, and the expense of real suffering caused by first our puppet(Saddam). Just to compound the suffering by assaulting the same people we were there to protect in theory.

Also, did you even watch the trailer for this movie? Or did you just come a running because it had FDR in the title.

If you had, maybe you would have seen this movie is a farce. Very much like your Heritage Foundation talking points.

So are you actually just stupid, a troll, or paid?


Ok, what the bloody hell is the Heritage Foundation?

Why do you imagine that comparing WWII to the Iraq war makes what FDR did somehow more palatable? Wrong is wrong.

If you actually get beyond the candy-coated Hollywood depictions of WWII you'll find the differences between the "good guys" and the "bad guys" to be not so far apart. For example, Germany was only reclaiming land that was stolen from them after WWI by a bunch of scheming politicians. They never should have tried to steal German soil and people from Germany. After Germany reclaimed the land (some would say rightfully) at the start of WWII they wanted to negotiate for peace but a bunch of stupid politicians wanted war instead. Go figure.


Yeah, but then the Germans decided to make soap out of Mrs. Greenwald!
But seriously, I wondered when the Neo-Nazi justification of German atrocities would begin. If you recall, the Germans signed a treaty ceding that land after WWI, remember? It was called the Versailles Treaty, and Germany signed it so we would stop kicking their @$$es. Plus, Germany made Russia sign a much harsher treaty to get them out of WWI, a treaty that stripped Russia of much more land than the Allied nations took from Germany. It was the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. If the Germans had been able to win WWI they would have insisted that Russia live up to the terms of THAT treaty, right? So why are you whining about the plight of Germany? They had it coming.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae


The way Germany was forced into signing that treaty was beyond contempt. They just wanted to negotiate for peace and basically gave up their leverage, then were surprised with the thieving western powers demanding they give up their own territory and people. And face facts, it was purely the rest of the countries fearing Germany's domination economically and politically on the continent. I believe of the four western countries at the table only the US was opposed to it, but the other politicians were stupid beyond belief to think they would get away with it. Morality didn't even enter into their minds obviously.

BTW You don't seriously believe the ridiculous "making people into soap" propaganda by the allies, do you? That was disproved long ago, along with the lamp shades thing. Other pieces of propaganda are falling by the wayside with time too.


Defending Hitlers campaign to rule Europe and if he had a chance the eastern countries from there.

By saying he was just trying to take back what was his?

I guess you are just a troll. Or perhaps really stupid. Although I suppose they are actually one in the same.

I would love to see who you point out as:

"(some would say rightfully"...

Who are these people? Because I have never seen anyone stepping up to make a comment like this. Short of the misguided kids, calling themselves Nazi's or Skinheads. Or some other similar term bred out of total ignorance.


I kind of agree with McRae's reply that taking land from Russia was also stupid. However, your brainless Hollywood educated knee-jerk reply is what I would expect from the average person these days.


he's probably a troll for sure, but mostly he is a stinkin nazi sympathizer as well as iran and radical islamic supporter. go peddle it on the persion imdb site you fricking loser.


Read Seal Target: Geronimo. Iraqi WMD are now in the possession of Al Qaeda and there have been at least two uses of Chlorine bombs by them. Both political parties do not wish to acknowledge this because for the R - they were had faulty planning and for the D - they'd have to admit that the reason for going in the first place was correct. Lastly, your talking points are no better than the poster's and your final question would best be posed into a mirror.


> His shenanigans trying to pull the US into war are also deplorable.

Are you Iranian or something.

What drew us into WWII was Pearl Harbor, but it had been building for years.
Had we gotten into the war earlier it would have been much less damaging for
everyone and over much earlier, but you don't think about that ... how can
you missing a brain like that and all?


how open minded your moronicness is ... you think he had a negative effect on the economy huh?
you moron, how does a president get re-elected in the worst period of american history with the greatest mandate every - carrying all the states but 2.
you know nothing, and your pretending to be a moderate is simply pathetic, you don't know much about anything.


Actually Bruce, you might recall that Ronald Reagan took 49 of 50 states in 1984, with Mondale taking only one state, and the District of Columbia. So I guess FDR DIDN"T have the biggest landslide in history. Who's rewriting history? oops, it's you.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae


I guess math ability has gone down since FDR ... especially among the Reagan set. To say nothing of history that Reaganites like to rewrite. Oooops, suck on that Gilligan. Maybe you have Alzheimer's disease like Reagan too?

38th 1936 Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democratic) – 523 Alf Landon (Republican) – 8 margin of victory = 515 electoral votes = 98.5% of electoral votes
56.9% of the population voted
Percent of popular vote: 60.80%
Margin of popular vote victory: 24.26%

50th 1984 Ronald Reagan (Republican) – 525 Walter Mondale (Democratic) – 13 margin of victory = 512 electoral votes = 97.6% of electoral votes
53.3% of the population voted
Percentage of popular vote: 58.77%
Margin of popular vote victory: 18.21%


We were previously discussing the number of STATES, not percentage of vote. Focus.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae


Hey Gilligan, the statement was the largest landslide in history - FDR. Stop crying and admit you and Alzheimer Ronny don't know what you are talking about and have to lie and twist the facts to suit yourself. There's also the dumbing down of the American electorate, that you are a good example of, the American public who put Bush in office twice. In both cases the country paid with huge killing deficits. Now, run along and don't bother me anymore with your nonsense.


I'm sorry you hate your life.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae


You're factually correct, yet you have forgotten to attribute to his victory, that he pulled the country out of stagnation and recession, making it the same reason why FDR was reelected in 1936, so neither history is being rewritten here.

Aside from that, if you actually care for historical accuracy, you should have confronted the bull the OP has presented: Germany merely taking back territory. The only territory they have reclaimed was the Saarland in 1934, and even then they violated the terms set up by the Treaty of Versailles to leave it demilitarized, from that point on, every action of theirs was in violation of international law, and was aimed at depriving the right of sovereign nation states to exist.

The other reason for Reagan's victory was Mondale's inability to appear as a competent leader, and just a year prior, the Empire of Evil as Ronald called it, has responded to a NATO exercise with a live threat, and shot down a Korean airplane, that has mistakenly violated its airspace.

Now, that the president elect is so buddy buddy with Vlad, families of the victims should demand the revelation as to where in Russia they had buried the remains, as sea currents had only carried pieces of clothing and no bodies, as is usual with such accidents, and to release any potential record, that Yeltsin did not back in the '90s.

I live in the Gordius Apartment Complex, my interior designer was M.C. Esher.


Nothing like right wing sheeple pushing forward propaganda at every turn. I mean this movie is nothing historical. But since it had FDR in the title you had to come running to insult him. Just because the right has so much hate for the guy.

I sure hope you are in that 1%. Because they really don't care for you. Or work for you unless you are.

But that's okay go back to drinking the Koo-Aid that Faux News gives you. While continuing to ignore reality. I am sure that is just what they were hoping. And it seems you are gullible enough to buy into it.

Or perhaps you are just another one of those paid posters. Helping to keep the sheep fed with lies and deceit.

Good job guy. It's your kind that makes our country look like a joke in the world. Especially when your ilk idolize a former actor. One of whom was not even really in complete control of his office. And even worse was showing signs of dementia while still in office. And yet because of his speech writers and his personality. Somehow became the best President we ever had?

Iran Contra?

"Oh I don't recall"

"That's okay Mr President, we will throw someone under the bus. While you pretend to forget your involvement".

Yeah he is something to be proud of alright.

Just like being proud of the fact he single handedly stopped the cold war. And it had nothing to do with the fact that the USSR bankrupted itself. And could not longer keep up the farce.

But that's okay, continue to prop the ACTOR up on his pedestal. While denouncing people who had to make actual tough choices. While the World was aflame with real war.


Yeah FDR was a real terrible person. He would get to press conferences hours early to holster himself up on the podium despite his disability. He formed an alliance so strong with the UK, that they are nice enough to follow us into our modern BS wars. He helped make labor conditions better and helped to create millions of public works jobs. What's more he was such a weakling that when he died Hitler said without him the US would crumble. Yes what a weak and terrible man.


no other president was ever so loved.
he saved the free world
he set the stage for economic and political growth of the us
and not the nazis like this guy have to try to assassinate his memory
since people have forgotten what it is like to have a real man as a
compared to any modern president roosevelt was superman.
and yes, he did have to work probably two or more times as hard
to get done what he did.


Ooof...I like FDR, but man, you make one think of powder-fresh female hygiene products.

Take a shower, take your lib arts half degree, get out of your mother's basement, and maybe get a job. (your 17 hours a week with the old ladies at Eckerds/AMC movie theaters does not count)


Your comparing me to tampons and telling me to grow up? Right.


maybe you just naturally think of those feminine products a lot because in your job cleaning rest rooms that is as close as you ever get to sex with a woman.


Sorry for only briefly skimming this thread of pure idiocy, but has anyone pointed out yet that the OP is entirely wrong.

The US was already deep into a Depression by the time FDR took office. Any history book, ANY of them, will tell you this. There was 25% unemployment, and people were living in cardboard shacks, which were aptly named Hoovervilles.

In fact, it was Herbert Hoover's Laissez Faire attitude that cause the Depression to get as bad as it did. He was convinced that the economy would fix itself. Well it didn't, and by the time he realized he actually needed to do something it was too late.

So, FDR comes in and starts actually doing *beep* and guess what, THINGS GOT BETTER. No, not all of his policies were that good, but many were. They weren't permanent solutions, they were band-aids, but they worked for the time and gave the people much needed relief.

It was actually World War II itself that got us out of the Depression. It stimulated enough economic growth, what with the need for war materials, that the economy made a full recovery and we were able to go forward into a bright new future after the war was over. (Yay Cold War! Wait...)

I really hope the OP was a troll, because it takes two minutes in Google to disprove everything s/he said.



this guy is light-years from being in the 1%, he is not even in the 98% ... maybe he could be in the lowest scum bag circle of 1% hell, that is why he's so miserable.

he's hardly worth responding to except that some naive people might actually think he has an actual point of view when he is just full of hate.




republicans rewriting history ....

roosevelt was so badass that he had the biggest landslide ever in history ... all the states but 2. no other president has come close. no other president was as loved and could have gone on being president forever if he had lived long enough. he set the stage for almost 30 straight years of solid growth for all Americans.

it is only recently now that fdr has faded from people's memories that repubican rat ass bastards dare speak ill of a true american badass.

you should go now and scurry back into whatever sewage system you crawled out of and suck some more offal to nourish your hate filled heart and empty brain.


I would just like to point out that nothing bbagnall posted in any way resembles reality.


It was the largess of FDR and his policies that allowed the ancestors of scumbags like the OP to weather the depression in the first place instead of dying of exposure and hunger in some ditch. His type never pass up the chance to bite the hand that feeds them.

The fact that he then goes on to demonstrate the reality that most of type are in fact admirers and apologists of the Nazis and their genocidal beliefs should surprise no one.


The republicans have always been against the policies of FDR, policies which pulled this country out of the full blown depression it was in and improved the lives of most Americans. The republican propaganda machine is rewriting history for their benefit when they say otherwise.
