MovieChat Forums > Meeting Evil (2012) Discussion > What's up with the kids?

What's up with the kids?

Were the two pudgy, foreign looking children with the family size bowl of macaroni on the table in front of each kid a sight gag or was it terrible casting? There's no way you were supposed to believe those kids came from those parents. The movie was full of holes with some truly goofy set ups but was so off the wall I enjoyed it. Definitely not for everyone.


I was kind of baffled with the kids too. And the mom was insulting the woman officer, saying fatass etc. Well look at your kids lady, lol.


Exactly! Same thing I noticed and thought was hilarious!!


Was wondering the same thing. The daughter being latina was pretty crazy (unless she was adopted), but the only explanation I thought of was that the wife has been banging the gardener for a lot longer than anyone knew.


Haha. They were some fat ass little kids. Who lets their kids eat enough to get like that. Their parents should be ashamed
