MovieChat Forums > Meeting Evil (2012) Discussion > This was one weird hell of a movie

This was one weird hell of a movie

I thought it was decent. Nothing memorable though. The twist and ending kinda ruined the movie and made it feel pointless.



How did the ending make it feel pointless? I didn't interpret it as doing that. I found it an entertaining movie, especially since I like all the actors in it and they don't disappoint.


Yeah, I agree I found it entertaining and the actors did a good job. But, besides Jackons's character getting killed It didn't seem like anything else was really resolved.



That is the point I guess but it didn't really fit for me either. If he was hired to kill John then why would he kill 15 other people? Most contract killers are a bit more discrete. It was somewhat entertaining and had some decent parts but It is nothing I would recommend to anyone unless they are huge Sam Jackson fans. I gave it a 5/10 and that might be a bit generous.


Yeah it was weired for sure. The music was a bit much at times.
But I thought it was funny and entertaining. Samuel Jackson was freaking hilarous. I thought maybe he was a demon trying to get Luke Wilson's soul Then I thought Luke Wilson was imagining him somehow but when that girl from LW's job asked if he knew SJ, then that theory was
Either way, I really liked this movie. Glad I found out about it and watched it on ondemand.


Yeah Richie come on over!


Yeah, I liked it too due to it being so strange and weird. It was sort of a controlled chaos. The killings were chaos but they made sense for the plot. I also like the little girl in the neighborhood. She just seemed so odd, always outside standing around in the neighborhood with her dog. Even when it was raining she was outside. I dunno, I think I just like strange movies that keep me thinking and guessing.


I think two different people wrote two different versions of the first and second half and put them together. The first half has Samuel L. Jackson as a demon or the devil. (Tempting Luke Wilson to show that he's really cruel by putting him against his girlfriend and former boss who just so happen to show up in the same place with Jackson around. Getting him angry with his wife and the trucker) but the second half plays it more of a straight thriller with him just being some psycho that was paid to kill Wilson.

We should learn from our past mistakes, so that we can make new ones.


I suppose they were going for a quirky-sinister effect. It didn't quite work.
