MovieChat Forums > Meeting Evil (2012) Discussion > Too many things didn't make sense

Too many things didn't make sense

1. The camera purposely panning to show John's spare tire on his car and the broken taillight. The movie would've been the same without it.

2. John going to the hospital with a stranger in a car that clearly had problems. His own keys were within reach.

3. The excessive behavior of the woman in the store where Ritchie tried to use the phone. That scene made no sense.

4. The little girl with the dog, just hanging around in the film for no apparent reason.

5. Latisha's topics of conversation with Joanie with her children in the room.

6. Joanie's verbal abuse of a police officer, and her reason for covering her son's ears. (But the comment about the fat-free cookie was funny)

7. Those huge bowls of macaroni & cheese sitting in front of slightly overweight children.

8. Richie and Tammy's lack of concern after Ritchie kills the trucker. They get back in the car with him? And how exactly did the trucker know it was "them" who killed his woman? I must've missed that.

9. I have a hard time believing Richie is being hired to kill a man, but goes on a wild killing-spree. Surely he didn't think he was going to kill that many people and get away with it, but he never gave any indication that he wanted to be caught.

10. Who gets back in bed with their spouse when they seriously suspect they were trying to have them killed.

The movie was pitifully done, but had potential to be good. It sorta reminded me of The Hitcher (86') in the way a psychotic maniac, going on a murder-spree, and exploits someone with a weak will.


I agree with you on a lot of things.

John went to the hospital with a stranger because John is a nice guy who doesn't know how to say no. He said no, but Richie was going to take no for a answered.

3. The women was a *beep* There are people like that in real life.

4. The girl was there to show why Richie didn't kill John than. Richie originally planned on killing John, but then he saw the kid and change his mind. So he had to take John some where else to kill him, which is why he keep telling John he wanted to take him to the hospital.

5. I do not know why the police women did not suggest that the kids leave the room.
6. She took note of the police women weight,all while ignoring her kids weight.
7. Again, she ignore her kids weight problem.
8. I must of miss to. I would like to know how the trucker knew that they kill his girlfriend, prior to the police knowing? Unless he was there when it happen.

9. Richie wasn't really planning on sticking around. I believe that Richie believe that John was going to be blame for the murders. Which he was , until John's mistress back up his story. However in real life that wouldn't have work. Since the mistress would have been consider a accomplices.

10 . A guy who is thinking of ways to kill his cheating wife.

join swagbuck


kadeskiss: "4. The girl was there to show why Richie didn't kill John than. Richie originally planned on killing John, but then he saw the kid and change his mind. So he had to take John some where else to kill him, which is why he keep telling John he wanted to take him to the hospital.
But later, she's there again. Standing in the dark, in the rain. What parents would allow that. Makes no sense.


Makes no sense TO YOU.



reminded me of kalifornia,identity,and atm.but yeah hitcher definitely too.

spectre can

suck it.


Just because you don't have the intellectual capacity to appropriately interpret exactly what was going on in the film, does not make it flawed.

You simply didn't understand it.

I must admit, I barely do either.

Therein lies the brilliance.

All those things you mentioned had significance, major significance, I cannot explain them, they are such intricate metaphors for something that I can't quite put my finger on.

Such as the little girl, you don't just hire a random girl to stand around in your movie for no reason at all, she had a reason, it's just that none of us viewers seem to be able to figure it out.

There was a point to every single split second frame of this film.

I'm going to keep trying to figure it out.

This film is so hated, and it is only because people don't get it. AT ALL.

Kudos to the writer for stumping ALL of us.


The movie is about John's inability to stand up for himself, to take action. He's not a good salesman, he gets fired without really good just cause, in every instance he tries to appease Richie, even when Richie makes it clear that John should say what he wants and feels.

His American Dream life (which is pretty much on the side of his car and presented in the picture in his house) doesn't exist. He's broke, unemployed, has a sterile family, has a home being foreclosed on, a pool he can't afford being installed.

Why Richie himself decides not to kill John is irrelevant. Richie decides not to do it for whatever personal reason and decides that he has to help John get back at an "evil" world. This sentiment climaxes when Richie says that Joanie hired him to kill John and exhorts John to kill her.

As for why John gets into the bed with Joanie, doesn't help the police get her for conspiring to murder him, that's left open to interpretation, though the whistling at the end (which is apparently John and not merely a nod to the now-dead Richie) lends support to the idea that he will take care of the situation with his wife as he sees fit. Perhaps even in the style of psychopath Richie.

As for his pudgy little children whom, one of whom clearly looks like she is not their child, they say nothing the entire film other than "surprise". They are passive little things, devoid of desires or thoughts. A huge bowl of macaroni and cheese sat in front of them before Richie arrives for dinner and they hadn't touched it. The children were props, like his home, his life.

There is more than one way to interpret things, and whether or not the film executes anything well is another story, but the film is about John's inaction, cowardice, and impotence. "Meeting Evil" John meets evil and is meek in the face of it until he finds his balls and takes it on head on.
