MovieChat Forums > Baby Shower (2011) Discussion > Una wea que da rabia...

Una wea que da rabia...

Es porque mierda le siguen dando plata a weones apitutados sin ni el mas minimo talento. Es muy diferente impactar a las viejas y las huecas por la tele. Cine es otra cosa. Illanes, honra el cine y dejate de andar pidiendo plata para hacer estos bodrios. Mas encima sales campante en la 'alfombra roja' hablando de lo buena que es esta bazofia. Mas repeto.




huh? what?


the OP is complaining about how the director got the money to make this movie. He calls him "apitutado"(someone who has connections or maybe rich friends). In his opinion this movie is awful, and he thinks he shouldn't have got and spend the money in something this terrible.
If you're someone learning spanish, you would think you could understand what the OP said, only problem is he doesn't speak spanish, but rather chileno, a "language" only chileans can understand.
I actually think it was a very good movie, i've always admired the work of Pablo Illanes and have been in love with Francisca Merino for ages. I give this a 7/10.


Ooohhh okay...I don't understand Spanish lol...all I know is 'si' and 'muchas gracias'...thanks for explaining anyway. To be honest, I don't really like the movie that much. I give it a 3/10.


Francisca Merino is really pretty, but IMHO, she's not talented at all. She's just another model-who-became-an-actress. If you really want to see someone who's both pretty and talented you have, for instance, Adela Secall


Mi profesor estaba hablando de esta pelicula ayer, y dijo que era gruesa, o sea muy muy violenta. Pense que era una pelicula hablada en ingles por que solo me dijo que se llamaba Baby Shower y me sorprendi que era latina. Pero....... lamentablemente, esta pelicula es una basura.

Y pensar que no me he probado mi ropa por este pedazo de *beep*


I have found that if you love life, life will love you back.
