MovieChat Forums > Traffic Light (2011) Discussion > Not the worst of this season

Not the worst of this season

I watch a ton of sitcoms and I give them more leeway than necessary to honest and this is not horrible. They did away with the laugh track which a lot of people hate and are doing things away from the typical four camera set up. I did not love this and it did not change my life but it wasn't totally unwatchable. At least they are not copying the talking heads device that everyone is so fond of nowadays.


It's a toss-up between Traffic Light, $#!t My Dad Says, Mad Love, and Retired at 35 as the worst new sitcom of the season. I guess credit goes to Traffic Light for being the only one without a laugh track, but it's still in the top 4 terrible sitcoms of the season.


I add Perfect Couples on the list


No way! I like that one!

But Sh*t My Dad Says and Retired at 35 are indeed bad. Couldn't keep watching beyond the pilot.

Oh, yeah, Mad Love doesn't look promising either.

My karma ran over your dogma.


Sometimes I feel like sitcoms are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to networks priorities.


Captain they are, cheap to produce reality shows are the priority of networks, scripted shows are becoming disposable due to the idiotic neislen ratings system and the growth and regrowth of reality tv :(

"we've got movie sign!"


The worst has got to be Perfect Couples. This show (Traffic Light) is actually pretty good for a sitcom.


I like Traffic Light, at least they try to bring something different. Perfect Couples is too cookie cutter. They need to bring something new if they hope to succeed.
