the food chain game

I was kind of disappointed in this show becaus they ended the episode with the "top Predator" as the end of the chain. but that isn't the end of the chain at all, after predators are scavengers such as hyenas and vultures and the recyclers such as dung beetles, flies and such

why didn't they mention them in the food chain as well? aren't they JUST as important to the circle of life as the herbivores and carnivores?

they should have included them as well

Ich bin ein berliner, I am a jelly doughnut, JFK june 26, 1963
if you don't like this sig, tough


I think it's because those scavengers are still preyed upon by "top predators", e.g. lions prey upon hyenas, hawks and eagles may eat baby vultures, &c.. Same situation with the recyclers, e.g. frogs eating flies. Interestingly enough, since the episode didn't get as specific as you did in your post, it doesn't make much sense that they went with the term "food web" instead of the more traditional "food chain" they definitely described talking in absolutes like they did in the episode.

Why did I write? Because I found life unsatisfactory.
*~Tennessee Williams~*
