How to rate this film?

Choreographs - average of an 8/10... Dancing 9/10... . Effects 10/10.. Storyline 2/10.. Dialog 1/10.. Acting 2/10..

Realistically, this isn't a cinema grade 'movie'. It's a talent show. With that in mind, no one really watches this film for it's plot line or for it's acting. People buy a step up cinema ticket thinking "I wonder what new choreographs they came up with?"

It is definitely the dumbest step up film so far though. During the film, I found myself constantly face palming because of how stupid the script writing was. Regardless I gave it an 8/10 based on it's entertainment value. If i had to rate this for the reasons i would rate other films, i'd Probably give it a 3/10.


All your above lines were in my head likewise. We are in the same page :)

My rating would be the same as yours indeed. The acting was in its lowest ebb, and the script was really poor. The reason I watch these movies is the art in general as you maintained above with your top ratings: Dancing, Effects, Choreography. Some coolest soundtracks can be found nevertheless in this movie which is worth watching. Again, dancing performances were unquestionably JUST AWESOME, especially the Art Gallery Scene and the soundtrack along with it ;)

My rating 8/10


Im thinking in the exact same lines.

Was some cool dancing and i really liked the idea of The Mob and the places they chose to perform, especially at the Art Gallery.

But as for story and acting, it pretty much sucks.

Hard to say what to give it, but for the entertainment value and despite the lack of anything good other than the dancing, i actually gave it a 6.


Yeah, I go back and forth on this subject. Sometimes I agree saying 'well who cares about the acting/story, I saw it for the _____ and it delivered". The problem is that by that logic EVERY movie is a good movie, because they (for the most part) hit the genre specifications.

Romantic comedies, kids movies, horror flicks, action films, dance movies, etc can all be HORRIBLE, but deliver what the audience wants. Does that make them a good movie overall is the question. Because if so, 'the godfather' and 'step up revolution' are both equally as good as the other...

"dude i dont care i just love this movie you guys have a realy taste in movies what wrong with you"




Choreographs - average of an 8/10... Dancing 9/10... . Effects 10/10.. Storyline 2/10.. Dialog 1/10.. Acting 2/10.

That's about how I'd rate it, except I loved the concept of The Mob and how they were portrayed. Loved the artist guy, who didn't speak, and the concepts for his art.

It's such a mixed bag, I don't know how to rate it, so probably won't rate it at all. Too bad because the choreography, dancing, and effects deserve a high score.
