why the remake?

why do the US always have to remake successful shows here? is it because they saw the UK people make a lot of money and they wanted some more. you don't see the UK remaking breaking bad or the wire. you like it as it is or you don't


A combination of two things, Americans are xenophobic to the max and the concept of watching something not filled with American accents, American characters and set in America is a terrifying concept to them. In fact, did you know that American TV doesn't even show non-American content and only small niche channels do?

Secondly, as you pointed out yourself, it's all about the money, money, money. Americans won;t watch a dirty thing with silly accents so the channels don't air them and the producers pay a smaller royalty fee to make a copy than to show the originals.


Yh but if they showed the UK version they would make more money cause it wouldn't be cancelled in one season lol . Don't think it's the accent thing Americans like the British accent . I think it's more like we can do it better
