MovieChat Forums > Rudderless (2015) Discussion > what if George Bailey "it's a wonderful ...

what if George Bailey "it's a wonderful life" had THIS life?

Yeah, I know crazy premise but thought of it anyway!
For whatever reason, while watching I kinda actually reflected on how life just goes the way it goes sometimes & at some point, we're left facing adversities.

So thinking further, I intercepted plot of "it's a wonderful life"---what if written seriously dark, stark & BLEAK?

What if George Bailey character was written current day & with basically opposite LIFE story?
WHAT IF...(stay with me!) he finds himself modern-day father of a serial killer & ON this bridge, suicidal & thinking (as he does in the movie) "the world would be better if I had NOT been born"?

Think about it.
Well, if you care to.

IF I were parent of a victim, I would SO desperately want my child back, I would illogically agree (and YES, pray to his angel) & think "YES, if YOU weren't born, then so wouldn't your kid who killed MINE".

I know that's far out there but again, really in a VERY polar opposite movie, it could be that! Look at real life for just a second!
In some lives ALL that has happened, unfortunately, is bad... NOT good.
No one wants to think about it but sometimes there is unimaginable pain & suffering & strife in many lives & that is all.

While certainly, as we know in THAT GREAT movie, we see how his life served WONDERFUL purpose (which is the POINT & why its celebrated, particularly for Christmas)...saving his brother who then saved hundreds of others in the war & also saving a child from the bereaved pharmacist error & then his own future life too.
And folks, THAT's just a sampling (....had he NOT been born, poor spinster librarian Mary.😉!)

Could've been a VERY tragic story instead & of course I am VERY glad it was not & written to ONLY uplift.

Still....just sayin'!!

Yes, I have CRAZY thoughts & compare movies that maybe are worlds apart.
Can be fun to entertain such musings.

But NO, no one would want to see It's a wonderful life written as it's NOT a wonderful life, it's an arduous one.
