I mean this should not be a blood and gore game. It is TR after all.
Im about 25% in it and it is VERY violent, bloody and disturbing. Almost to the point I want to turn it off :-(.
Other than that I miss the puzzles and beautiful landscapes of the older games.
And where is the diving? No swimming and diving???


It gets even more violent down the line.


Really? When? And what will happen?


I don't wanna spoil anything, so let's just say even more horrific ways for Laura to die not to mention terrible injuries, and supporting characters deaths, cannibalism, ritual sacrifices, killing of npcs by the hundreds, and I bet there's more, haven't finished the game yet


She's on a savage island inhabited by cultists.
You expect them to invite Lara round for tea?

And so, God came forth and proclaimed widescreen is the best.
Sony 16:9


It's also rated 18+ (in the UK). What did you expect?


HITMAN is also rated 18 and it is much less bloody. That said I expected a TR game, not a SNUFF game.


Hitman has less blood? I thought it had about the same amount of blood.


"Hitman has less blood? I thought it had about the same amount of blood."

Hitman has nothing extreme like wading in a pool of blood and going through a mound of chopped body parts.


What do you mean you miss the beautiful landscapes of the older games. This game has plenty of beautiful landscapes, I like especially that Japanese temple surrounded by wind.


"...I like especially that Japanese temple surrounded by wind. "

Yes, the only interesting setting.
